
Country Borders is a complete list of countries and the associated land border countries (the neighbouring countries).

Country Borders

Country Borders provides a complete list of countries together with the land border countries (the neighbouring countries). The data come in form of CSV format, and you can easily import into any relational database for query. Furthermore, this data use ISO3166-1 for the country code allowing you to retrieve and use the information with ease.


Data fields

Below are the fields supported in the Country Borders.

Field Name Description
country_code Two-character country code based on ISO 3166.
country_name Name of country.
country_border_code Two-character country code based on ISO 3166.
country_border_name Name of country border.


The Country Borders data is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It is free for personal or commercial use with attribution required by mentioning the use of this data as follows,

This site or product includes Country Borders data available from https://www.geodatasource.com.


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