
code for mazes

Primary LanguageC

Maze coding

Inspired by Mazes for Programmers by Jamis Buck. That has example code in Ruby, for ASCII and PNG output.




  1. ldmazer
    • Not my code at all, written by luser.droog and posted to comp.lang.c
    • Draws a naive Lew Pitcher maze and lets the user move around
    • Not much fun, but a good skeleton of a maze game
    • Uses SDL2 and SDL2_Image libraries for GUI output
  2. etbmazer
    • This is ldmazer made into a simple game
    • Now draws a full grid Aldous-Broder maze
    • The user is timed for reaching the far corner
    • Uses SDL2 and SDL2_Image libraries for GUI output


  1. binary_tree
    • proof of concept maze, rather boring
    • ascii only output
  2. sidewinder
    • better maze, but still has highly visible artifact
    • ascii only output
  3. aldousbroder
    • relatively slow random walk algorithm with nice looking mazes
    • ascii only output
    • prints a blank and a solved version
  4. testgrid
    • code to test grid.c functions
    • ascii only output
  5. testdistance
    • code to test distance.c functions
    • ascii only output
    • TODO: needs better test cases for longest path solving

General code

  1. grid.c and grid.h
    • implements a grid with a notion of walls between cells
    • provides an ASCII art grid printer
    • TODO: building walls (deleting connections)
  2. distance.c and distance.h
    • as an adjuct to grid.c, this measures distances
    • finds one shortest path (just one, even if multiple are possible)
    • finds one longest path (just one, even if multiple are possible)
    • not constrained to particular maze topologies

Short variables by convention:

  • g is grid
  • c is a cell
  • i is a row number
  • j is a column number
  • t is a gtype/ctype
  • d is a direction or a distance
  • go is a direction
  • dm is a distance map
  • rc is a return code


This implementation by Benjamin Elijah Griffin / Eli the Bearded. Begun 11 June 2019.