
A python script that fetches Ada-1's current inventory in Destiny 2

Primary LanguagePython


A python script that fetches Ada-1's current inventory in Destiny 2 and puts it into a database.


Out of the box, this script is set up for a MySQL database running on the local machine with the name 'adamods'. You can either create a database to match this configuration or make adjustments as needed to match your system.

You will also need a Bungie API application in order to access Ada's mods. You can register an application here: https://www.bungie.net/en/Application. I recommend setting your OAuth Client Type to "Confidential". After creating your application, take note of your API Key, OAuth client_id, and OAuth client_secret. You will need these later.

In the URL on line 12 you will see placeholders "MEMBERSHIP_ID" and "CHARACTER_ID". These are specific to your Destiny 2 profile. To get these, make a GET request to https://www.bungie.net/Platform/Destiny2/SearchDestinyPlayer/-1/YOUR_DESITNY2_NAME (note: YOUR_DESTINY2_NAME is your display name on whichever platform you play on). Include your API Key in the Headers under X-API-Key. This will give you your membership Id and membership type. Next, make a GET request to https://www.bungie.net/Platform/Destiny2/YOUR_MEMBERSHIP_TYPE/Profile/YOUR_MEMBERSHIP_ID/?components=200 to obtain your character Id for the character you last played. Paste these into the script.

Before starting the script, you will need a refresh token. This can be confusing to find so I suggest following this guide: https://lowlidev.com.au/destiny/authentication-2.
Once you have a refresh token, paste it in tokens.txt. The script will use this to get a new access token and refresh token each time it runs.

Running the script

When running the script you will need to include your database password, API key, and client secret as command line arguments. The syntax should look like: python getMods.py DATABASE_PASSWORD API_KEY CLIENT_SECRET

Ada's mods change daily so running the script once a day will add everything she is selling to the database. I suggest setting up a cron job to automate this!


Some interesting visualizations using data from the past year can be found here: https://public.tableau.com/views/Destiny2Mods/Story1?:language=en-US&publish=yes&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link