🌐 MERN Stack

MongoDB, Expressjs, React, Nodejs

MERN is a fullstack implementation in MongoDB, Expressjs, Reactjs, Nodejs.

MERN stack is the idea of using Javascript/Node for fullstack web development.


  1. git clone this repo
  2. Install all dependencies for both the front-end and back-end
  3. Install nodemon and change your directory to the root directory of the project and then run npm run dev
  4. The project will run concurrently

clone or download

$ git clone https://github.com/Babarindeolanrewaju2/mernapptask.git
$ change your directory to the client directory and run the command below
$ npm i
$ in the root folder of the project run the command below
$ npm i
and then run `npm run dev` in the root directory


Usage (run fullstack app on your machine)


notice, the client and server runs concurrently in different terminal session, in order to make them talk to each other

Client-side usage(PORT: 3000)

$ cd client   // go to client folder
$ npm i       // npm install pacakges
$ npm start // run it locally

// deployment for client app
$ npm run build // this will compile the react code using webpack and generate a folder called docs in the root level
$ npm run start // this will run the files in docs, this behavior is exactly the same how gh-pages will run your static site

Server-side usage(PORT: 4000)


$ cd mernapptask   // go to root folder of the project
$ npm i       // npm install pacakges
$ npm run dev // run it locally

Deploy Server to Heroku

$ npm i -g heroku
$ heroku login
$ heroku create
$ npm run heroku:add <your-super-amazing-heroku-app>
// remember to run this command in the root level, not the server level, so if you follow the documentation along, you may need to do `cd ..`
$ pwd
$ npm run deploy:heroku


Client-side Server-side
axios: ^0.15.3 bcrypt-nodejs: ^0.0.3
babel-preset-stage-1: ^6.1.18 body-parser: ^1.15.2
react: ^16.2.0 bcrypt: ^5.0.0
react-dom: ^16.2.0 express: ^4.17.1
react-bootstrap: ^1.0.1 cookie-parser: ^1.4.5
react-router-dom: ^4.2.2 cors: ^2.8.5
bootstrap: ^4.5.0 jsonwebtoken: ^8.5.1
axios: ^0.19.2 mongoose: ^5.9.20
universal-cookie: ^4.0.3 morgan: ^1.10.0
- nodemon: ^2.0.4
- path : ^0.12.7
- helmet: ^3.23.3


JavaScript Style Guide

BUGs or comments

Create new Issues (preferred)

Email Me: olanrewajuayuba@gmail.com (welcome, say hi)


