Camunda Swarm Stack

This stack can be used as base to production Camunda 7 Run deployment.


  • Server with at least 4vCPU and 10GB and sudo, git installed
  • Docker Swarm started and using rootless mode
  • A configured reverse proxy behind this stack, pointing <CAMUNDA_HOSTNAME> to <CAMUNDA_STACK_INGRESS_IP>:8080
  • An external PostgresSQL (15 tested) database
  • An external on-premise (.local) LDAP directory (Active Directory tested) for authentication and authorization users and groups

Steps to deploy


  1. On Postgres host, create database and user (which need to be owner on Postgres 15):
sudo -u postgres psql
create database camunda;
create user camunda with encrypted password '<CAMUNDA_DB_PASS>';
grant all privileges on database camunda to camunda;
ALTER DATABASE camunda OWNER TO camunda;
  1. Enable remote connections on Postgres updating postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf. To find the files location, use this:
sudo -u postgres psql -c 'SHOW config_file'

For more information, consult this:

LDAP Directory

  1. Create a group named "camunda-admins" and include all camunda admin users.
  2. Create a service account to be the manager_dn who will connect to LDAP server (like Active Directory) - service.camunda@<YOUR_DOMAIN>.local - with read only rights.

Camunda Stack

  1. Create directories for project and change to "/app" directory:
sudo mkdir /app; \
sudo chown -R $USER:docker /app; \
sudo chmod -R 770 /app; \
cd /app
  1. Clone this repository
git clone <THIS_REPO_URL>.git
  1. Go to camunda stack folder:
cd /app/camunda-stack
  1. Update the values on camunda-stack.yml and default.yml accordingly to your infrastructure.
  2. Create secret to encrypt database password:
echo "<CAMUNDA_DB_PASS>" | docker secret create camunda_db_pass -
  1. Enable (only) necessary communications on your hosts and network gateways. This stack use port 8080. For example, to enable this port on your docker host using firewalld:
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8080/tcp --permanent; \
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
  1. Run the stack:
docker stack deploy -c camunda-stack.yml camunda
  1. Adjust directory/file permissions on docker host(s):
sudo chown -R 1000:1000 /app/camunda-stack; \
sudo chmod -R 440 /app/camunda-stack
  1. You can do more things in order to secure your deployment based on your infrastructure resources. Please, see this for more tips.

Web apps endpoint


REST Endpoint
