This stack can be used as base to production Camunda 7 Run deployment.
- Server with at least 4vCPU and 10GB and sudo, git installed
- Docker Swarm started and using rootless mode
- A configured reverse proxy behind this stack, pointing <CAMUNDA_HOSTNAME> to <CAMUNDA_STACK_INGRESS_IP>:8080
- An external PostgresSQL (15 tested) database
- An external on-premise (.local) LDAP directory (Active Directory tested) for authentication and authorization users and groups
- On Postgres host, create database and user (which need to be owner on Postgres 15):
sudo -u postgres psql
create database camunda;
create user camunda with encrypted password '<CAMUNDA_DB_PASS>';
grant all privileges on database camunda to camunda;
ALTER DATABASE camunda OWNER TO camunda;
- Enable remote connections on Postgres updating postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf. To find the files location, use this:
sudo -u postgres psql -c 'SHOW config_file'
For more information, consult this:
- Create a group named "camunda-admins" and include all camunda admin users.
- Create a service account to be the manager_dn who will connect to LDAP server (like Active Directory) - service.camunda@<YOUR_DOMAIN>.local - with read only rights.
- Create directories for project and change to "/app" directory:
sudo mkdir /app; \
sudo chown -R $USER:docker /app; \
sudo chmod -R 770 /app; \
cd /app
- Clone this repository
git clone <THIS_REPO_URL>.git
- Go to camunda stack folder:
cd /app/camunda-stack
- Update the values on camunda-stack.yml and default.yml accordingly to your infrastructure.
- Create secret to encrypt database password:
echo "<CAMUNDA_DB_PASS>" | docker secret create camunda_db_pass -
- Enable (only) necessary communications on your hosts and network gateways. This stack use port 8080. For example, to enable this port on your docker host using firewalld:
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8080/tcp --permanent; \
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
- Run the stack:
docker stack deploy -c camunda-stack.yml camunda
- Adjust directory/file permissions on docker host(s):
sudo chown -R 1000:1000 /app/camunda-stack; \
sudo chmod -R 440 /app/camunda-stack
- You can do more things in order to secure your deployment based on your infrastructure resources. Please, see this for more tips.
Web apps endpoint
REST Endpoint