
Implementation and comparison of zero order vs first order method on the AdaMM (aka AMSGrad) optimizer: analysis of convergence rates and minima shape

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

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The adaptive momentum method (AdaMM, aka AMSGrad) is a first-order optimisation method that is increasingly used to solve deep learning problems. However, like any first-order (FO) method, it is only usable when the gradient is computable. When this is not the case, a zero-order (ZO) version of the method can be used. This method was proposed in ZO-AdaMM: Zeroth-Order Adaptive Momentum Method for Black-Box Optimization, Xiangyi Chen et al.

This project aims at comparing ZO-AdaMM with the original first order method (FO-AdaMM).

In our experiments we have observed the theoretical slowdown of the order of O(√d) in the convergence of the ZO method compared to the FO method, where d is the number of the network's parameters to be optimized. Moreover, we have managed to obtain reasonable performances with our ZO method and have proposed improvement ways to obtain better performances. Finally, we have highlighted the convergence to different minima for the ZO and FO methods.

This project was done for the EPFL course CS-439 Optimization for Machine Learning, taught by Jaggi Martin and Flammarion Nicolas Henri Bernard.



We empirically studied the ZO-AdaMM optimizer comparing it with the FO-AdaMM one, applying it on simple convolutional neural networks (CNN) ranging from 1'400 to more than 2.5 millions parameters ( represented by the letter d) on the well known classification task of the MNIST dataset.

Although it achieves acceptable accuracies, the ZO version still suffers from a certain slowdown compared to the FO version. This is due to the fact that our ZO version allows the parameters to move in a single direction which is certainly biased with respect to the exact gradient. However, the accuracy continued to increase slowly and the train loss to decrease, so we think we would achieve better results even if it would take some time.

Then, we were interested in the appearance of this theoretical bound of O(√d). According to our experiments, this theoretical bound does indeed seem to occur, which would make it difficult to use our method for larger and more complex models. As shown in the following image, the training stabilizes to an almost constant ratio of FO/ZO performance.


Since this ratio increases with the number of parameters d, this seem to indicate that the theoretical bound of O(√d) is appearing. Indeed, in the following image we can see that such bound that we called k is almost constant, it varies very little (from 0.2 to 0.6) despite the changing of d.


Finally, we tried to project the weights of each individual filter of the CNN into a 2-dimensional space using the t-SNE algorithm, which tries to preserve in low dimensions the neighborhood of the data points in high dimensions. As the following image shows, the learned weights to which the models converge are very different.


The next image shows the actual filters learned, printed as grey-scale images. As we can see, they don't show similar patterns.


Although the fact that the parameters converge to quite distinct minima, deducing that one of these minima is ”better” than the other is a complicated subject. Nevertheless, the fact that for equal training losses, the FO method has a much higher accuracies than the ZO method, leads us to believe that the ZO method converges to a local minimum and the FO to a global minimum or at least a ”better” local minimum.

The major improvement that can be done to our method lies in reducing the bias of the gradient estimation by using a mini-batch of random directions as in Eq.2. We believe that this would allow us to have a better chance of converging this time to the minima reached by the FO method and also to accelerate the convergence, which so far remains rather slow as we explore the parameter space one direction at a time.

For further details, please read the pdf report.pdf.

Structure of the repository

├── models
    ├── scalable_model.py    # Scalable (nb. params) CNN
    ├── small_model.py       # Small CNN used for tests
├── optimizers
    ├── adamm.py             # First order AdaMM optimizer
    ├── zo_adamm.py          # Zeroth order AdaMM optimizer
    ├── zo_sgd.py            # Zeroth order SGD optimizer
    ├── scheduler.py         # Learning rate scheduler
├── plots
├── results                  # Results of the experiment notebook
    ├── weights              # Recorded weights in the experiment notebook
├── main.py                  # Main functions to setup the training of a model, run the experiments
├── utils.py                 # Functions to train a model and some utilitaries functions
├── experiments.ipynb        # Notebook containing the experiments (models training)
├── analysis.ipynb           # Notebook containing the analysis of the experiments, with plots
├── report.pdf               # The report of the project
├── requirements.txt         # List of all the packages needed to run our code
└── README.md                # You are here

How to install and reproduce results

Download this repository as a zip file and extract it into a folder. The easiest way to run the code is to install Anaconda 3 distribution (available for Windows, macOS and Linux). To do so, follow the guidelines from the official website (select python of version 3): https://www.anaconda.com/download/. The libraries required to run our code can be found in requirements.txt.

Such additional packages required are:

  • torch
  • torchvision
  • numpy
  • matplotlib
  • scipy
  • sklearn
  • jupyter notebooks

To install them write the following command on Anaconda Prompt (anaconda3):


Then write for each of the mentioned packages:

conda install *PACKAGE_NAME*

Some packages might require more complex installation procedures (especially pytorch). If the above command doesn't work for a package, just google "How to install PACKAGE_NAME on YOUR_MACHINE'S_OS" and follow those guides.

The results can be reproduced as follows :

  • Run the experiments.ipynb to produce the data
  • Run the analysis.ipynb to produce the plots used in the report

Remarks :

  • You need to create the folders ./results and ./results/weights if they do not exist in your system.
  • The zero order optimization method can only be used on the CPU as it produced different behaviors on different machines when using the GPU, with some GPU achieving a lower accuracy and higher losses compared to CPU results, even while using same random seeds. If you still want to use the GPU, you can comment line 54 and decomment line 55 in main.py.

🛠 Skills

Python, Pytorch. Deep learning knowledge, Machine Learning optimization knowledge, implementation of first order AdaMM (AMSGrad) and zero order AdaMM optimizers, as well as ZO-SGD. Study and analysis of convergence rates, minima shape with t-SNE alogrithm, visual analysis of CNN's learned filters, cosine similarity.

🔗 Links

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