Setup environment

Install Node & NPM if you don't have it

Install docsify

npm i docsify-cli -g

Clone this repo and delete the .git foder

git clone MY_WORKSHOP

Preview your site

Get into the root of the site and run this command to start editing and live previewing

docsify serve

Customize your site

You will modify this basic pages to get started. After that you'll start writing your doc


  • Change the <title></title> attribute with your workshop name
  • In the window.$docsify initialization script , modify the name attribute for your workshop name, editInGithubUrl and github repo

This is the page that will be seen first.

  • Change the ABC Workshop for your own.
  • Add a description

  • Change the second link to the main documentation of the topic you are addressing
  • Feel free to completely modify these links, don't add more than 3 if possible

This is where the left sidebar content is written. You will revisit this page a lot during the creation of your workshop. A set of sample pages is attached

  • Add and remove sections at will.

Each section should have this format

- Excersise #1

  - [Do step C](2-excersice-1/
  - [Do step D](2-excersice-1/

  • Change the title
  • Add a description and a architectural diagram if you want

Add pages

Your pages structure will be under 1-getting-started where you will put your content for the workshop.

Amplify deployment

Add redirects

Source: /<*>.md Target: /<*>.md

Source: </^[^.]+$|\.(?!(css|gif|ico|jpg|js|png|txt|svg|woff|ttf|map|json)$)([^.]+$)/> Target: /index.html