
Project for the Mobile and Cyber-Physical Systems course @ University of Pisa

Primary LanguagePython

House temperature monitoring system & smart air distribution

Project for the Mobile and Cyber-Physical Systems course @ University of Pisa


The project aim to develop a system to monitor the temperature of the rooms inside the house. This is obtained by sensors that collects data and send them using MQTT. The server reads the data and store it in a local database in order to be accessed by the main application. The application offers three different features:

  • Through a user interface monitor the temperatures of all the rooms
  • Plot the trend of the temperature for a specific room and using AI predict its future behaviour
  • Activate the ventilation system to balance the temperature among the various rooms

House Interface
Example of application interface

How to run

First, to start server and sensors just run the script


Then, to run the applications just run the python script.

Check requirements.txt for libraries required.

# Show house interface with temperatures
python real_time_map.py

# Show the trends for a specific room
python real_time_plot.py <room>

# Activate the ventilation system
python ventilation.py <ventilation_force>