2/1/2022 Jon Russell Documentation for running epidemiological layer of EMOD-GenEpi layered model Directory structure: /analysis: analyzer scripts for download and plotting of inset chart and transmission report channels /download: Eradication binaries and schema used to run model in emodpy (passed from Svetlana or DanB in place of ideal behavior using get_model_files, not yet functional as I understand it) /inputs: demographics files read in for EMOD nodes /outputs: a dir that gets overwritten with file outputs from run_sweep_and_download or similar scripts that inherit from download analyzer key files: run_sweep_and_download.py: commissions, runs sims based on configuration specified within body of script, downloads to outputs dir using in line download analyzer Steps: Download and install emodpy-malaria: https://github.com/InstituteforDiseaseModeling/emodpy-malaria Setup appropriate virtualenv in Pycharm (or similar IDE) using emodpy-malaria ------------- Commissioning ------------- Change parameters in run_sweep_and_download.py for particular experiment setup - Ln 36: seasonality = dict to decribe different seasonal splines as basis for tuning seasonal larval habitat abundnace - Ln 93: adds outbreak to establish initial prevalence in sim - Ln 99: adds recurring outbreaks (local importation) to sustain transmission and prevent low transmission from eliminating - Ln 135: generic treatment seekking behavior based on parasite densities triggering pyrogenic threshold - Ln 137: defining length of sim in years - Ln 170: Function that does rescaling of larval habitat spline to achieve range of EIR - Ln 186: Adding local migration for importation from external (travel) node - Ln 191: Scaling the importation as reference above in Ln 99 for sustaining transmission - Ln 197: For sweeping over run_number, i.e. new random seeds for DTK replicates - Ln 219: the main run function for executing a sim (as referenced in if name == main) - Ln 229: Submission details (i.e setting priority and number of cores on Calculon/Belegost) - Ln 233: Set number of random seeds - Ln 234: set the first day for reports to start on (i.e. starting Transmission Report on day 25*365 in a 30 year sim gets you last 5 years of transmission events) - Ln 236: an array of values for sweeping human population size - Ln 237: the importation scalar determining demographic coverage of the importation used in Ln 99 adding outbreaks to combat elimination, this could be a sweep of values in the list - Ln 238: habitat_multipliers is the sweep space used to determine a range of EIR by scaling the larval habitat spline - Ln 239: a selection of particular habitat scaling values selected for manuscript - Ln 240: where to specify the larval habitat spline shape/seasonality from above dict - Ln 242: where to name the experiment - Ln 298: where the call to transmission report gets generated from - Ln 304-309: Where the sweeps that define the experiment get generated, using calls to appropritae functions and invoking args defined above - Ln 332-347: Download Analyzer for downloading the result of the sim, alternatively can use ln 359-368 (commented out) to call download analyzer on particular experiment, or Download Analyzer in /analysis - Ln 371: Calls the main run function! After successful run and download from COMPS, move transmission report output from specified /outputs dir to Dropbox for use as input by rest of GenEpi pipeline (parse_dtk) -------------- Analyzers -------------- analyze_inset_chart.py for plotting epi channels containined in InsetChart (population transmission characteristics and demographic information) analyze_inset_chart_COI_incidence.py for mapping incidence to COI metric analyze_inset_chart_EIR_sim_id_mapping.py for making a csv output that maps sim_ids to EIR values analyze_transmission_report.py a starting point for analyzing transmission characteristics from transmission report (also see Edward's blog post) download_analyzer.py for downloading outputs like InsetCharts or transmission reports from single sims or experiments analyze_patient_report.py a starting point for looking at MalariaPatientReport output if available for investigating individual properties like gam densities -------------- Inputs -------------- For information about setup of demographics files see EMOD documentation or other malaria team workflow examples: https://docs.idmod.org/projects/emod-malaria/en/latest/index.html