
Investigate how GitPython refresh() interacts with multiprocessing

Primary LanguagePythonBSD Zero Clause License0BSD


This investigates the interaction between:

  • GitPython's "refresh" functionality that sets global state about the git executable to be used.
  • The Python standard library's multiprocessing feature, which GitPython attempts to be compatible with (such as by making objects support pickling).


The contents of this repository, including the code and this readme, are licensed under 0BSD, a “public domain equivalent” license that imposes no restrictions. This is the same license used for code examples in Python's documentation.

See LICENSE for details.


Python supports three start methods for multiprocessing:

  • fork: Extensive state from the parent process is in workers automatically.
  • spawn: The interpreter is rerun from the beginning and imports modules.
  • forkserver: A separate process with minimal state (the "server") is maintained and caused to fork off subprocess as needed.

fork is the default method on GNU/Linux systems as of this writing, but that is planned to change to spawn in Python 3.14 because of its incompatibility with threading (that is, with multithreading being used at all). spawn is already the default on macOS, where fork does not work well, and on Windows, where fork and forkserver are unavailable since Windows has no fork system call.

All three methods should be expected to work with the automatic git.refresh when it defaults to the command name "git" or uses a path or other command name it finds as the value of the GIT_PYTHON_GIT_EXECUTABLE environment variable. However, another way to provide a path to use for the git command is to pass it as an argument to git.refresh.

The question

The question is, when...

  1. The desired git executable path is given to GitPython by calling git.refresh(<path>).
  2. Then multiprocessing is used (including via higher level abstractions such as concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor) to create one or more worker processes.
  3. The worker processes use GitPython.

...does GitPython in the worker processes have the <path> that was passed to git.refresh?

The answer

This does not always happen. Broadly speaking, and barring special effort to get the desired state into the worker process, it happens when either:

  • The fork start method is used.
  • Another start method is used, but the worker process imports a module where setting the desired value occurs as a result of running the module's top-level code.

With the fork start method, most program state is duplicated, including the class attributes of GitPython's git.cmd.Git class, such as the GIT_PYTHON_GIT_EXECUTABLE attribute that holds the path chosen in git.refresh.

Otherwise, most program state is not duplicated, and instead worker processes import the modules they need. Although this does cause git.refresh to be called in the worker process, that sets Git.GIT_PYTHON_GIT_EXECUTABLE (and associated state) either to the default value of "git" or to a string gotten from the GIT_PYTHON_GIT_EXECUTABLE environment variable.

A git.refresh(<path>) is thus lost unless it is run again as well. Besides special efforts to set the state—such as explicitly running it in as part of the worker process's task, or possibly using a custom preload when forkserver is used—this happens:

  • When the worker process must import a module that makes the call.

It does not happen:

  • When the call is local to a function (that is not called at import time).
  • When the call is global, but in a module the worker doesn't need to import. It may be unintuitive that this can include the module that sets up multiprocessing, submits work to worker processes, and retrieves their results. For example, if the function submitted for the worker to call is defined in another module, the worker will need to import that module, but will not typically need to import the module that submitted the work.

Finally, note that:

  • The state set by refreshing is global. Local state, such as Git instances, supports pickle serialization and deserialization and can be passed to worker processes. But that does not affect whether the effect of git.refresh is reflected in operations carried out through them.
  • This is essentially unrelated to how separate processes in multiprocessing do not automatically share global state with each other and all have separate global variables and class attributes. That's a fundamental point of how multiprocessing works, but the topic being investigated here is what state that is in worker processes.

The code

This repository contains scripts that test out various scenarios with git.refresh(<path>) and multiprocessing.

Most systems don't have multiple git commands, so this also includes a fake git script that supports git version—revealing itself to be fake and giving a bogus version number—but no other commands. When the code is installed in a Python virtual environment, that virtual environment's git entry point will take precedence over the actual git command on the system.

At least for now, the scripts hard-code /usr/bin/git as the "real" git command to be used as <path> in git.refresh(<path>) calls.

This code only works on systems where Python supports all three of the multiprocesing start methods—fork, spawn, and forkserver—and where they all work. This excludes Windows, which only has spawn, and macOS where, of the others, at least fork does not to work correctly in multiprocessing. This is only tested on GNU/Linux.

How to run

The top-level runall shell script automates running poetry install and then running each of the experiment scripts. It can be run as:


This requires poetry to be installed.

(These instructions or the script would have to be adapted if they were to support attempting the experiments on Windows, but since the code itself does not support Windows, that may not be a priority.)


Results of running ./runall on an Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS system running Python 3.12.2 are saved as results.txt.

The separate filter script may sometimes be useful in comparing the most important parts of those results and results found on a different system or Python version.

The experiments, and comparison across versions, are also done automatically using GitHub Actions, with the results available.