
Erlang generic templates for neovim (commands)

Primary LanguageErlang


Erlang generic templates for vim

Based on vim-erlang-skeletons and rewritten purely in lua!


This plugin provides a quick access to Erlang templates, such as gen_server, get_event etc.

The default templates are ripped out of emacs.

You can customize this suite to your needs.



{'EliasA5/erlang-skeletons', config = function() require('erlang-skeletons').setup() end},


use 'EliasA5/erlang-skeletons',

Don't forget to call require('erlang-skeletons').setup() to enable the plugin!


:ErlServer Loads gen_server template into current buffer.

:ErlWxObject Loads wx-object template into current buffer.

:ErlFsm Loads gen_fsm template into current buffer.

:ErlStatem Loads gen_statem/3 template into current buffer.

:ErlStatem4 Loads gen_statem/4 template into current buffer.

:ErlSupervisor Loads supervisor template into current buffer.

:ErlSupervisorBridge Loads supervisor_bridge template into current buffer.

:ErlEvent Loads gen_event template into current buffer.

:ErlApplication Loads application template into current buffer.

:ErlEscript Loads escript template into current buffer.

:ErlCTSuite Loads commontest template into current buffer.

:ErlTemplate [arg] Loads [arg] template into current buffer.


Templates are plain text files containing special placeholders that start with dollar sign.




Variables used are:

$basename Current buffer's filename without extension. Defaults to 'untitled' for an unnamed buffer.

$author Defaults to the logged in user real name or whoami

$company Defaults to $author if undefined

$fulldate Defaults to lua os.date("%d %B %Y") (day Month year).

$year Defaults to lua os.date("%Y")


Following variables can be overrided via init.lua settings:

erl_author default: logged in user real name or whoami

erl_company default: vim.g.erl_author

erl_replace_buffer default: 0. If "1", will erase current buffer after a template insertion command is triggered.

erl_tpl_dir default: Plugin directory concatenated with "/templates". Allows you to use your own template directory. Note, that commands will raise errors, if hardcoded template files doesn't exist there.

Example lua entries:

vim.g.erl_author = "Herp Derp"

vim.g.erl_company = "Me Gusta Inc"

vim.g.erl_replace_buffer = 1

vim.g.erl_tpl_dir = "/home/herp/erlang/templates"


Feel free to suggest any improvements or extensions at project's github:
