
Get kahoot answers with id or pin

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Kahoot Answers

Live: https://khanswers.vercel.app

It just sends get request to the one of API urls below and formats json response in html code. You can enter pin, id and any of gui urls. It can't be traced by your teacher and works for all quizes.

PS: Code isn't really great, pull requests would be welcome


  • Users block
  • Log uuids and ip
  • Language changer
  • About info
  • Support question and answer styling
  • Autotests
  • Custom domain

Example kahoot quiz

Pin: 11111111
Uuid: 6e342965-8e19-47ed-8f27-5707b03d8797
Url id: 6e342965-8e19-47ed-8f27-5707b03d8797_1664805379662
CreatorId: 6e342965-8e19-47ed-8f27-5707b03d8797
Created: 1664805379662

GUI urls

API urls


Run: yarn start
Develop: yarn dev