Next.js Spotify Clone

This website is a Spotify Clone where you can log in with your spotify account and listen to music, see your playlists, top tracks, recently played tracks, followed artists, library, etc.

Test it here: Spotify Clone (You now need to be whitelisted to connect)

Spotify Clone


You can visit the production deployment on Vercel with the following link:

Spotify Clone

The website requires the following permissions:

  • read your playlists (collaborative and private)
  • read and modify your library
  • read your recently played tracks
  • read your top tracks
  • read your followed artists
  • read your private informations

The technologies used in this project are the following:

  • Next.js
  • NextAuth
  • Redux Toolkit
  • TanStack Query
  • Styled Components
  • Spotify API

How to run locally

If you want to run this project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository

  2. Create a spotify app and get the client id and client secret:

    In order to use the Spotify API, you need to create a spotify account and create a spotify app to get the client id and the client secret:

    Edit the application settings and add the following redirect uri: http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/spotify

  3. Create a .env.local file in the root of the project and add the following environment variables:

Env Variable Value
SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID Your spotify client id
SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET Your spotify client secret
NEXT_PUBLIC_SCOPE playlist-read-collaborative playlist-read-private user-library-read user-library-modify user-read-recently-played user-read-private user-top-read user-follow-read
NEXTAUTH_URL http://localhost:3000
NEXTAUTH_SECRET Your NextAuth Secret
  1. Install the dependencies with npm install

  2. Run the project with npm run dev or npm run build and npm run start