
In this repository I will post some reproduction of data sciences study cases amd pther stuff in R and maybe in python

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Data Science and Big Data Course

In this repository I will post some reproduction of data sciences study cases amd pther stuff in R and maybe in python


PLease click the link https://alexb4891.github.io/ds_study_cases/ check the process, and let me know how can I impprove.

LDA Model

After a long weekend learning python, here's my implementation of Latent Dirichlet Allocation, thanks to https://github.com/claudio-toledo/MITXpro-DSx-LDA

Face recognition

In this directory you will find my attempt to do the face recognition app. I found the eigen face, but the methos to create the matrix of person x pixels(14x90.000) is too slow. If you could help me it would be great.

News clasifications

Now I use the spectral clustering to create a news classification using R. Web Scrapping and processing scripts will be found in this folder. Entity extraction is harder in SPanish, if you have some ideas please share with me.