
Foundry VTT module to deal with stealth at combat start

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PF2e Avoid Notice

A module for FoundryVTT that shows results of initiative stealth check vs combatant perception DCs on the initiative messages when Begin Encounter is clicked.

Initiative messages

When Begin Encounter is clicked on the combat tracker, this module appends GM-visible results of checking the initiative stealth value against the non-allied combatants to the initiative roll message, grouped by detection status: Unnoticed, Undetected, Hidden, and Observed. The numbers by each listed token in the groups shows the difference between the stealth initiative roll and the perception DC of that token.


In the above, Amiri's stealth roll of 13 was successful against monster and creature, who had perception DC's of 10 and 13 and so Amiri is Undetected by them. The roll was not successful against beast or grumpkin, who in turn had perception DC's of 17 and 20, so Amiri is only Hidden against them. PF2e Avoid Notice will apply this bonus automatically if the token rolling stealth has an Effect: Cover (Standard) or Effect: Cover (Greater) effect on it unless PF2e Perception is active.

An Unnoticed setting controls whether or not to use Unnoticed rather than Undetected for stealth checks that beat both the target's perception DC and initiative. Undetected is always used if the stealth initiative roll beats the target's perception DC but doesn't beat the target's initiative roll.

PF2e Avoid Notice also can remove the GM hidden states of combatants if enabled in the game settings, since forgetting to toggle combatant visibility happens to me too often.

PF2e Perception

The 'Pathfinder on Foundry VTT Community and Volunteer Development Server' discord server leads to the excellent unlisted module PF2e Perception. It isn't required for the overall operation of this module, but additional capabilities become available:

  • PF2e Avoid Notice will set the appropriate visibility flags on the combatant tokens to reflect the detection status determined by stealth initiative checks.
  • An Override setting allows PF2e Avoid Notice to override existing PF2e Perception visibility flags on tokens. Disabling this is useful if one wishes to setup any complicated situation beforehand and not get it stomped by the initiative rolls.
  • If PF2e Perception cover flags are found on a token using stealth for initiative, standard or greater cover bonuses will apply as appropriate against perception DCs.
  • If Compute Cover at Combat Start is selected, *`PF2e Avoid Notice will ignore existing cover flags and use PF2e Perception to calculate new ones for tokens using stealth as initiative for each token they are testing against