About | Methods | Installing | Built with | Live Demo | Author
This project is a microverse collaborative project which is part of the requirements of the microverse technical curriculum in the Ruby section. This project consist of different ruby enumerable methods that emulate Ruby's in-built enumerable methods
- Ruby
- Fork the repo to your remote repository.
- Clone or download the repository to a local directory on your computer.
- run npm install to install the dependencies for the project.
👤 Elijah Ayandokun
- Github: @elijahtobs
- Twitter: @elijahtobs
- Linkedin: ayandokunelijah
👤 Temesghen Tekeste
- Github: @temesghentekeste
- Twitter: @temesghentekes1
- Linkedin: temsghen-tekeste-bahta-8b5243193
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
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[Ruby enumerable documentation here:] https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.7.1/Enumerable.html