
This is an educational project to make a simple website that displays a list of books and allows you to add and remove books from that list. The goal is to make it more organized by using modules and practice the ES6 syntax. Built with HTML, Css and JavaScript.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Awesome Books.

This is a book collection management web application which will help the user to add book with the Title and the Author to the books collection and also remove any book from the collection. In addition, he/she will be able to see the book list in the collection on the landing page.

Built With

  • HTML and CSS
  • plain Javascript

How to use and run this project

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.

-Clone this repository with

git clone using your terminal or command line.

-Change to the project directory by entering :

cd Refactoring-Awesome-books, in the terminal.

-run code to open it in vscode. However, there are some project requisites required for this project to run properly


  • This project makes use of dependency library called "luxon"
  • To install it, follow this:
  • Locate to the directory of the project
  • In the terminal, npm init -y to initialise the package manager
  • Again, in the terminal, npm install --save luxon to install the library

Project Status

This project has been finished and deployed.


Screenshot (77) Screenshot (78) Screenshot (79)

Live Demo link



Up to now, there are no issues with it.

Here is the link to the Issues tab:

Feel free to check the issues page.


👤 Elijah Andre

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Thanks to everyone who helped me.