Notes for first class

  1. Learned how to use codesandbox

Codesandbox is a website that helps developers code and develop quickly. It is usefull because you can see the website that you are creating as you create it.

  1. Created an index file and css file on codesandbox.

  2. Added all the code and comments to the index and css to make the black kage anime site, on codesandbox.

  3. Made an account for github.

This website is a platform for developers. All projects are hosted on this site. It is used when you are working with other developers.

  1. Created a repository called first-site.

A repository is a folder that's stored on github. This folder contains all the files and folders for one specific project.

  1. Created an index.html and style.css file inside the first-site repository.

  2. Copy and paste the code from codesanbox into the github files.

  3. Live site is here :