
Spend some time looking spacing in typography: margins, paddings, line-length, line-height, etc.

Primary LanguageHTML

summary time deliverables
Spend some time looking spacing in typography: margins, paddings, line-length, line-height, etc.
1 hour
1 HTML file, 1 CSS file

Dealing with whitespace


  • Fork this repository.
  • Add the correct typography properties to the content.
  • Only the following properties need to be added:
    • margin
    • padding
    • color
    • font
    • font-size
    • font-weight
    • font-style
    • line-height
    • border
  • DO NOT change the HTML.
  • Run it through Markbot and make sure it passes all the checks.


  • Colours: #222, #555, #999
  • Typefaces: Crimson Text (regular, italic)
  • Font-sizes: 1.5rem, 1.125rem
  • Line-heights: 1.3
  • Left/right text padding: 1rem
  • Other margins & paddings intentionally not specififed.
  • For the best vertical rhythm: remove the top margins from things & add bottom margins equal to the line-height.
  • *Border-sizes: 2px


Visually match the images in the “screenshots” folder and create the interaction shown in the linked video.

  • Final screenshots in the “screenshots” folder.

Hand in

Drop this folder into your Markbot application. Make sure to fix all the errors. And submit for grades using Markbot.