
A web application for job specific performance monitoring in HPC centres

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ClusterCockpit banner


ClusterCockpit is still in testing phase. We are working hard to get an BETA release soon. If you want to help develop ClusterCockpit you may want to take a look at open issues. A good starting point about the software design of ClusterCockpit are the Wiki pages about the overall structure and naming conventions used.


This is a web frontend for job specific performance monitoring. It is based on the Symfony 4 PHP Framework. The application uses Bootstrap 4 for layout and styling, DataTables for interactive Ajax tables and plotly.js for graph generation.


To install and use ClusterCockpit you need the following dependencies:

  • PHP 7.2 or newer
  • MySQL or MariaDB
  • Composer - PHP package manager
  • Optional: Apache web server for production use
  • Optional: InfluxDB time series database
  • Optional: Redis caching backend

Configure PHP

The default PHP memory limit is too low for most Symfony applications. You may also need to enable some PHP extensions. Please note that these settings are required to run Symfony at all. Please consult the Symfony documentation for performance optimized PHP settings in production mode.

Please check and if required set or uncomment the following setting in php.ini (Ususally located in /etc/php/php.ini):

memory_limit = 1G

Symfony requires the following PHP extension which are usually included in the standard PHP installation: curl, iconv, ldap, mysqli, pdo_mysql. Please refer to a Google search how to install PHP extensions on your OS if an extension is missing.

Setup ClusterCockpit

Symfony applications are operated in so called environments. The dev environment is for development and testing and is usually used together with the builtin PHP web server listening on a local port. For production the environment should be switched from dev to prod. This enables performance optimisations and is usually used together with a web server, as e.g. Apache. Below instructions apply to a development setup and are intended to be used by someone developing or testing ClusterCockpit. Please refer to the Wiki if you want to install ClusterCockpit in a production environment.


  1. Clone repository

You may use

$ git clone git@github.com:ClusterCockpit/ClusterCockpit.git ClusterCockpit

if you have a github account or you can use https:

$ git clone https://github.com/ClusterCockpit/ClusterCockpit.git ClusterCockpit
  1. Install required PHP version

You need at least PHP 7.2 or higher. Please refer to Google for how to install PHP on your operating system.

  1. Setup database backends

At the moment all development was done using MySQL. MariaDB or PostgresSQL where not tested but should also work.

Create symfony database user and ClusterCockpit database:

$ mysql -u root  -p
$mysql> CREATE USER 'username'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mypass';
$mysql> CREATE DATABASE ClusterCockpit CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
$mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ClusterCockpit.* TO 'username'@'localhost'; 
$mysql> quit

We recommend InfluxDB as database backend for the metric data. The following are optimizes settings in influxdb.yml to start with. Still due to the complexity of this topic for optimized settings for mySQL as well as influxDB refer to documentation on the web.

   index-version = "tsi1"
   wal-fsync-delay = "100ms"
   cache-max-memory-size = "2g"
   cache-snapshot-memory-size = "1g"

   auth-enabled = true 
   reporting-disabled = true
   log-enabled = false

   query-log-enabled = false

   log-enabled = false
   run-interval = "1m"

The following steps need to be executed to setup InfluxDB. Enter influx shell:

influx   -precision=s

Create admin user for influxDB and ClusterCockpit metric database:


On subsequent influx shell sessions you have to authenticate, for example by entering the auth command in the influx shell. To create more users enter for example:

> auth
username: admin
> CREATE USER "symfony" WITH PASSWORD 'password'
> GRANT READ ON "ClusterCockpit" TO "symfony"
> CREATE USER "telegraf" WITH PASSWORD 'password'
> GRANT WRITE ON "ClusterCockpit" TO "telegraf"

The default caching backend is file system based cache. For production the use of Redis as caching backend is recommended. Redis provides a simpler usage if using Apache as web server, provides a slighly better performance compared to a SSD based files system cache and is more scalable for heavy load. To enable redis as caching backend uncomment the following lines in config/packages/framework.yaml:

    app: cache.adapter.redis
  1. Configure Symfony access to MySQL and InfluxDB:

Symfony uses the Doctrine ORM for mapping PHP classes on database tables. Database access for Doctrine is configured in the local only .env file. This file is not committed. You first need to copy the .env.dist file to .env and adopt it to your needs.

To configure database backend credentials open the .env file in your project root and add the following lines (enter above username and password for the placeholders):



  1. Setup ClusterCockpit:

It is recommended to install a recent composer locally as described here. All packages will be installed locally in the ClusterCockpit project tree.

Install Symfony packages:

$ cd ClusterCockpit
$ composer install

First create the database schema with:

$ php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force

Use the following command to initialize database and create an admin user:

$ php bin/console  app:init
  1. Sanity checks

Check if database is setup correctly:

$ php bin/console doctrine:schema:validate

You can get a list of all configured routes (URLs) with:

$ php bin/console debug:router
  1. Start up local web server

To start the Symfony web server (you have to install the Symfony CLI application first) with integrated Symfony profiler console run:

$ symfony server:start --no-tls

The web application can be accessed with any web browser on localhost port 8000.

A log file is available in var/log/dev.log .


Open the URL http://localhost:8000 in a web browser. Click on the JobMonitoring button and login with the credentials of your admin user.

Please refer to the Wiki pages how to setup a cluster and other required data sources.