
Channel creation & Spigot server data integration with mcstatus

Primary LanguagePython

Odyssia Bot

PEP 8 - Naming Conventions

directories packages modules/files classes functions variables constants
l l l + u cw l + u l + u c + u


l = lowercase
u = underscores
cw = CapWords
c = CAP


Clone the project: git clone https://gitlab.com/odyssia_dev/odyssia-bot
Create virtual environment and install dependencies:

  • mkdir venv
  • python -m venv venv
  • venv\Scripts\activate
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • [Optionnal] deactivate

Branches Conventions

How to create a branch?

On GitLab, you can click on Repository > Branches > New Branch, then give it a name. Your branch need to be created from Develop most of the time.

How to name my branch?

Your branch has to follow this naming convention: type/name
Example: feature/stats
When the name contain multiple words which must be separated, you can use dashes
Example: feature/player-stats

How to merge my branch?

To merge your changes into develop, you need to create a merge request from GitLab interface. Go on Merge Requests > New merge request > Select a source branch (your branch) + a target branch (often develop), click on compare branch and continue, and then assign your request to a project owner.

Dependencies Documentations