
A V module to use multi-layer neural networks. Includes backpropagation but you can train them the way you want. If you have any questions or suggestions I'd be happy to read them !

Primary LanguageV

This is a V module to create neural networks. (there is also a gui module named ggui that I used for the mnist example)

For the moment there is two examples, the XOR logic gate example and the MNIST example. Here is a screenshot from the MNIST example tester examples/mnist_tester.v (it needs to be launched into the examples folder to have the right path to load the neural network save):


Here is the new documentation that just started: https://eliyaan.github.io/NeuralNetworks-V-Module/

I hope you enjoy your time with it, if you have any question dont mind asking me here or on discord! There is still a lot to be worked on for the module to be entirely complete!