About: This is a CommandAPI that I developed so that I can avoid having to statically register any command whether using reflection and a CommandExecutor, or simply putting the commands into my plugin.yml. This is a purely annotation based API. The functionality to statically add commands is there, I just have not implemented any ways that are easy for a user to do so.
How to use: Using this CommandAPI is super simple, and only requires 3 lines to register the commands, and obviously the commands themselves.
First in either your onEnable() or onLoad() you're going to want to do this:
CommandManager commandManager = new CommandManager(this); //this == plugin instance
commandManager.registerCommands(); //registers commands from anywhere in the plugin jar
commandManager.registerHelp(); //registers a generated helptopic to bukkit
//so the /help PluginName displays our plugin's registered commands
Example commands to be registered: Here are some test commands to display how commands should be written to allow registration. CommandListener is a required interface for any class you wish commands to be registered from. This is to allow shrinkage of classes searched for commands, and increase registration time.
public class TestCommand implements CommandListener //CommandListener is required
command is the only required field for the annotation
The base command is not required. If not created, a default one will be generated and will direct to the usage
upon command use
@CommandHandler(command = "test")
public static void testingCommand(CommandInfo info)
info.getSender().sendMessage("Test worked");
Sub commands can go as deep as you wish
ie. test -> sub1 -> ... -> sub15
@CommandHandler(command = "test.test2", permission = "test.test2", noPermission = "LOL no permissions",
aliases = {"2", "testing"}, usage = "/test test2 <player>",
description = "Testing out all of the CommandHandler's attribute values")
public void testingCommand2(CommandInfo info)
info.getSender().sendMessage("Test2 worked");
ChangeLog: 1.2: Added Maven Support 1.1: Updated recursion to fix bug with sub commands below sub-2. Now properly displays help when displaying usage for sub commands Generates empty(default) sub commands if you don't create an annotation for them. 1.0: Initial release.
Source Code: Finally the source code is on github. Its opensource and GPLv2 license. Duh its here XD
Finally: Please leave any comments, suggestions, and/or bugs you may find while using this CommandAPI.