PLP Basic Git Assignment

  1. GitHub Repository Creation:
  • Logged in to my GitHub account.
  • Created a new repository on "PLPBasicGitAssignment".
  • Initialized it with a README file.
  1. Created a new folder named "PLPBasicGitAssignment" on my local machine.
  • Opened git bash and navigated to the "PLPBasicGitAssignment" folder.
  1. Git Initialization:
  • Initialized a new Git repository in my local folder "PLPBasicGitAssignment".
  1. Connecting to GitHub:
  1. Creating index File:
  • Inside my local folder "PLPBasicGitAssignment" in VSCcode, I created a new html file (index.html).
  • Added a heading and 2 paragraphs.
  1. Committing Changes: git add . git commit -m "Add hello.txt with a greeting"
  2. Pushing to GitHub: git push -u origin main