
My resume and portfolio website

Primary LanguageHTML


Curriculum Vitae site for Elke Heymans. A live version can be seen at elkewritescode.be

The story behind this

I've always wanted to tackle the challenge of designing and implementing my own responsive website in HTML5 & CSS3 with the help of Bootstrap3 and as little as possible JavaScript/jQuery/AngularJS. I've built everything from scratch which isn't easy but I like the challenge.

The future of this

I will continue to update this CV site as much as possible. My goal is to utilise more relevant technologies. What started out as a site only built in HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript/jQuery, grew into a site where I also introduced LESS and some AngularJS. It could be an interesting playground to test out on a small basis some new stuff like introducing my own deployment mechanism.


Version 4.0 (Future release): date TBD

Mostly optimisations to enhance the speed. We'll add precompilation of the LESS, minification of the JS, minification of the CSS, a generic approach to deploy everything, ...

Version 3.0 (Next release): live on 16 sep 2017

Introducing support for xs and sm views as well as testing on other devices and browsers.

Version 2.0 (Current release): live on 13 sep 2017

Optimisation of the HTML & CSS code by introducing concepts as LESS and cleaning up all the code.

Version 1.0: live on 11 sep 2017

Earliest version was only in HTML5, CSS3 & some small JavaScript. It contained the most basic styling and basic text and could be regarded as a setup phase. There was only support for >md views and was only tested in Chrome.

Deployment notes

  • If you're using .less directly in the browser on an IIS server, don't forget to add the MIME-type for .less. It should be text/css. This can be done in the web.config or (if possible) in the controlpanel of your host