Chess AI

The aim of this project is to use advanced algorithms for enhancing the run time/ improve and AI performance in the chess game. Using AI to generate all possible moves (Search Space) from any chess board state, then looking for the best move within a reasonable time-limit.

Project satges:

Chess AI flow chart can be shown in below image.


Run This Project:

To run this project you have to install pygame.

              pip install pygame

Sample of the output:


  • NegaMax: a tree searching algorithm derived from minimax, which looks to the future to minimizes the maximum value that your opponent can take from you and decide how best to make your next move.
  • Alpha-beta pruning: used to decrease the number of nodes that are evaluated by the negamax algorithm.


  • Evaluation function that uses the following heuristics (defined by chess players):
    • Further developed pieces are better.
    • Doubled Pawns are not good
    • Isolated Pawns are not good
  • Iterative Deepening: It is the improvement for depth-limited search, Instead of specifying a fixed search depth, It starts working with depth 1, then depth 2, and continue incrementing the depth until the time allocated for the search is exhausted
  • Multi-Threading: We implement the search in the search tree to execute in parallel to reduce the total execution time.
  • We cache the evaluated steps, so we can make use of them in case of repetition to reduce the execution time.
  • We handle the end phase of the game in a special way and we use previously evaluated positions from online chess databases that contain the games of master players.

Future work:

  • Applying further enhancement would make the engine better. We think that applying methods like Neural Network, Genetic Algorithms, and random selection in the evaluation function would have interesting results.


  • This project has been done for Algorithmics (MTAT.03.238) course at the University of Tartu under the supervision of Jaak Vilo, Dmytro Fishman, and Joonas Puura.


[3] Campbell, Murray, A. Joseph Hoane Jr, and Feng-hsiung Hsu. "Deep blue." Artificial intelligence 134.1-2 (2002): 57-83.