you will be getting about 30+ phishing template which works fine. use it learn about it mess with your familly hack your mom dad just aware them but never ever try this on someone with malicious intents if u caught so you will be in great trouble cuz this is a legit tool which real hackers use to infiltrate system .
- git clone
- cd Uo
- ls
- Select the option you want to make phishing page of .
- you will have a phishing instance running on 'http://localhost:8080'
- share this link to your victim (for that you have to use ngrok to access it from outside from your network [ ./ngrok http 8080 ]) just do some social-enginiering tricks like pretend to be google or idk something else🍁.
Found 'Uo' cool? sub to Elkyw on yt leave some likes to my instagram post and show your love , Happy hacking guys 🍂💻.