
Personal sports tracker application with user authentication. A team-driven project built with MERN stack.

Primary LanguageCSS

- work in progress -

Team project, built with MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js)

Personal Contributions

- Vitaliy Bulyma

  • Exercises and Workout Create Read Update Delete functionality
  • Files
    • backend /
      • models/ Exercise.js
      • models/ Workout.js
      • routes/ exercises.js
      • routes/ workouts.js
      • server.js
    • frontend src/
      • App.js
      • components/
        • AddExercise.js
        • ListExercise.js
        • ShowExercises.js
        • CreateWorkout.js
        • EditWorkout.js
        • ShowWorkouts.js
        • Nav.js

- Ella C Qi

  • Design lead
  • User authentication features: user login & user register
  • Files
    • backend /
      • config/ keys.js, passport.js
      • models/ User.js
      • routes/ api/ users.js
      • validation/ login.js, register.js
    • frontend src/
      • actions/ authActions.js, types.js
      • components/
        • auth/ Login.js, Register.js
        • dashboard/ Dashboard.js
        • layout/ Landing.js
        • private-route/ PrivateRoute.js
      • css/ main.css, util.css
      • fonts
      • images
      • store.js

To start

clone repository

$npm install | to install all packages

$npm run dev | to start back and front end


  • index page welcome
  • login page welcome
  • register page welcome
  • dashboard page welcome