

attached in Image folder

Explanations of specific Technologies:

Html Css JavaScript

Approach Taken

Unsolved Problems:

The first color is showing up as a number as the array probably getting a randon number before the color| setting player 2 & rounds

Link to Hosted Site:


Instructions on HOW TO PLAY :)

Player 1 starts by pressing the Go! button| Player 1 will see that the blinking Light will flashing colors| Player 1 will click the greenLight button whenever "green" is shown in the Circle| if Player 1 clicks button when "green" is shown Player 1 will get 1pt| if Player 1 clicks button on any other color they will get a speeding ticket | If Player 1 gets 3 tickets game will reset for Player 2 | Repeat for Player 2|


Unsplash, freecodeCamp, codeacademy, stackoverflow, W3Schools, Youtube, Google.com,