

This repository contains a Node.js project that demonstrates the implementation of a microservice architecture using Express. The project includes essential functionalities such as GET and POST endpoints, file system operations, and logging for monitoring the microservices. The service communicates with a database and manages HTTP requests efficiently.


  • GET Endpoint:

    • Retrieves data based on request parameters.
    • Logs request details and errors.
    • Returns JSON response with the requested data or error information.
  • POST Endpoint:

    • Accepts data through the request body.
    • Processes and stores the data.
    • Logs request details and errors.
    • Returns JSON response with the results or error information.
  • File System Operations:

    • Checks and creates directories if they don't exist.
    • Reads from files and parses JSON content.
    • Writes data to files in JSON format.
    • Logs each step of the file operations for traceability.

File Structure

  • src/app/component/controller/index.ts:

    • Contains the main routing logic.
    • Defines the GET and POST endpoints.
    • Implements error handling and logging.
  • src/app/component/data-access/:

    • check-dir.ts: Checks for directory existence and creates it if necessary.
    • read-from-file.ts: Reads and parses JSON data from a file.
    • write-to-file.ts: Writes data to a file in JSON format.
    • index.ts: Centralizes data access functions for checking directories, reading from, and writing to files.
  • src/app/component/entities/:

    • data-manipulation.ts: Contains data manipulation functions, such as date transformation.
    • index.ts: Aggregates entity functions, including input object creation and sanitization.
    • make-input-object.ts: Validates and sanitizes user input data, and applies necessary transformations.
  • src/app/component/use-cases/:

    • get.ts: Implements the logic for handling GET requests.
    • post.ts: Implements the logic for handling POST requests.
    • index.ts: Centralizes use-case functions for GET and POST requests.
    • userHandler.ts: Manages user data by reading from and writing to a JSON file.
  • src/app/initializers/express/:

    • libs/express.ts: Sets up and configures the Express server with middleware and routing.
    • index.ts: Initializes and starts the Express server, incorporating routes and middleware.
  • src/app/libs/logger/:

    • index.ts: Configures and initializes the logger using Winston.
    • libs/transports.ts: Sets up different transports for logging in development and production environments.

Development Setup

  1. Install Dependencies:

    npm install
  2. Run the Application:

    npm start
  3. Access the API:

    • Base URL:
    • Use appropriate HTTP methods (GET, POST) to interact with the endpoints.

Detailed Implementation

  • Controller (index.ts):

    • Defines asynchronous functions getEP and postEP to handle GET and POST requests, respectively.
    • Uses a centralized logger for tracking activities and errors.
  • Data Access (data-access/index.ts):

    • Aggregates data access functions: checkDir, writeToFile, and readFromFile.
    • Each function logs its activities for easier debugging and monitoring.
  • Directory Check (check-dir.ts):

    • Implements checkDir function to verify the existence of a directory and create it if it does not exist.
    • Logs actions such as checking and creating directories.
  • Read from File (read-from-file.ts):

    • Implements readFromFile function to read and parse JSON content from a file.
    • Handles and logs errors, returning an empty array if the file does not exist.
  • Write to File (write-to-file.ts):

    • Implements writeToFile function to write data to a file in JSON format.
    • Logs the start and completion of write operations.
  • Data Manipulation (data-manipulation.ts):

    • Implements transformDate function to convert timestamps to local date and time string format.
  • Entity Functions (index.ts and make-input-object.ts):

    • Aggregates entity functions for input validation and sanitization.
    • makeInputObj function creates a sanitized input object with validated parameters.
  • Use Cases (use-cases/index.ts, get.ts, post.ts):

    • Implements business logic for handling GET and POST requests.
    • createGet and createPost functions handle the respective requests and integrate with data access functions.
    • userHandler.ts manages user data storage and retrieval.
  • Express Initializer (initializers/express/index.ts, libs/express.ts):

    • Sets up the Express server with necessary middleware: body-parser, compression, cors, helmet.
    • Defines and initializes server settings and routes.
    • Uses a logger to log server activities.
  • Logging (libs/logger/index.ts, libs/transports.ts):

    • Configures Winston logger with custom formats and transports.
    • Differentiates logging setups for development and production environments.

Environment Configuration

  • Environment Variables:
    • NAME: Name of the application.
    • NODE_HOSTNAME: Hostname for the server.
    • NODE_PORT: Port number for the server.


  • Configuration (config/index.ts):

    • Stores configuration data such as file paths, error messages, and test data.
  • Test Cases:

    • get.spec.ts: Tests for the GET use case.
    • post.spec.ts: Tests for the POST use case.


  • Utilizes a logger to track important events and errors.
  • Logs include service-specific messages and timestamps for better traceability.
  • Example log messages:
    • [EXPRESS] Server running at
    • [EP][GET] GET: {error message}
    • [EP][POST] POST: {error message}
    • [DATA-ACCESS][CHECK-DIR] Checking {directory name}
    • [DATA-ACCESS][READ-FROM-FILE] Reading from {filename} - START!
    • [DATA-ACCESS][WRITE-TO-FILE] Writing to {filename} - START!

Future Enhancements

  • Implement additional endpoints for more CRUD operations.
  • Integrate with a database for persistent data storage.
  • Enhance error handling and validation mechanisms.


Feel free to fork the repository and submit pull requests. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.