Tic-Tac-Toe Logo

Tic Tac Toe

It seems to be a simple game at first glimpse but it will turn to a challenging one soon if you have a keen rival! 😊

Start the game

Before start the game please read the below instructions.



  • The first page gives you some visual information about how the game looks like.

    • There are two markers which belong to two users. You should play the game in the way each of these markers sit next to each other successively - horizontally or vertically or diagonally.
    • Click START button to go to next level.
  • In the next page:

    • Enter your names.
    • At this moment, the markers will be selected randomly for you but 🔜 you will have more options to select yourself.
    • 🔜 In near future another option to select the size of the board will be added.
    • Hit GO button to start the game.
  • here you are! 👍

    • At the top of the page you can see and track the points you earn during the game in front of your names.
    • Hit NEXT to try the game again whether you win or lose.
    • Click FINISH button to finish the game and back to first page.

Note Enjoy! Feedback welcome. 😊

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