Job queuing system in PHP

Primary LanguagePHP

PHQ Build Status codecov

Job queue system written in PHP

Getting Started

See: Basic Application Example

Firstly choose a storage medium for the queue data, and implement or use an existing class that implements \PHQ\Storage\IQueueStorageHandler.

    $pdo = new PDO(...);
    $storage = new MySQLQueueStorage($pdo);
    * $storage can be any class that implements \PHQ\Storage\IQueueStorageHandler
    * Only required if not specified in the configuration file, otherwise, this instance will override
    * the configured storage
    $phq = new \PHQ\PHQ($storage);

Before PHQ can be used some storage adapters may require initial setup. Call setup() on PHQ\PHQ after adding the storage adapter configuration to run the initial setup.

This will be added as a setup script in composer in the future.


Creating Jobs

Create a new job type that extends \PHQ\Jobs\Job and implement at least the run method. run must return an integer that relates to the statuses defined as \PHQ\Jobs\Job::STATUS_*;

class MyJob extends \PHQ\Jobs\Job{
    public function run(): int{
        return \PHQ\Jobs\Job::STATUS_SUCCESS;


Jobs can use a custom payload class which will hold all the properties that the job needs. This allows strict contracts of which data can/will be provided to the job.

Creating a payload

A payload class must extend \PHQ\Data\Payload and should define it's allowed values as public properties.

A payload is an extension of \PHQ\Data\Dataset and so can define setters and getters (see: Datasets)

class MyJobPayload extends \PHQ\Data\Payload{
    public $propA;

Jobs have access to the data that they were created with as a property on PHQ\Jobs\Job

class MyJob extends \PHQ\Jobs\Job{
    public function run(): int{
        $jobPayload = $this->getPayload(MyJobPayload::class);
        return \PHQ\Jobs\Job::STATUS_SUCCESS;

Configuring Jobs

You can create and enqueue a job with no properties however if you need some more specific data for the job to run you can pass the payload as the first parameter when instantiating a job.

    $job = new MyJob(new MyJobPayload(["propA" => "propB"]));

If for some reason, such as when creating a new storage handler, you need to update the base Job properties, you can instead pass an instance of \PHQ\Data\JobDataset as the first parameter which will allow you to update the class, status, retries and payload properties directly.

    $job = new MyJob(new JobDataset(["status" => \PHQ\Jobs\Job::STATUS_IDLE,"payload" => ["a" => "b"]]]));

Adding jobs to queue

Add jobs to the queue(managed by the chosen storage handler) by calling enqueue(IJob) on PHQ\PHQ.

    $phq->enqueue(new MyJob());

Running the workers

See: Worker Runner Example

The actual worker process should be separate from the application configuring/adding the jobs, you can run the $phq->start() method to start processing jobs.


Getting jobs from the queue

Retrieve the next job by calling getNext() on PHQ\PHQ

    * $job is an instance of \PHQ\Jobs\IJob
    $job = $phq->getNext();


PHQ will automatically load configuration data stored in ${cwd}/phqconf.php.


    return [
        //This will override the system ENVIRONMENT variable if set 
        "environment" => "test",
        //Storage handler configuration, if this is specified then creating a new instance of PHQ
        //will no longer require the IQueueStorageHandler parameter  
        "storage" => [
            //This should be a class name of a subclass of IQueueStorageHandler
            "handler" => \PHQ\Storage\MySQLQueueStorage::class,
            //These are options specific to the storage handler itself and will be passed directly 
            //to it as an array, so long as it implements the IQueueStorageConfigurable interface
            "options" => [
                //The key here is always the environment that the options should be valid for
                "test" => [
                    //All data within this array will be passed to the IQueueStorageConfigurable 
                    //init() method
                    "host" => "localhost",
                    "port" => 14783,
                    "user" => "root",
                    "pass" => "root",
                    "database" => "phq"
        //Workers will run the jobs in their own processes
        "workers" => [
            //Number of worker processes to spawn
            "count"  => 2,
            //Optional - Specify a worker script to act as the worker process
            "script" => "myWorker.php",
            //Optional - Language of worker script(if script does not have a file extension)
            // or if overriding the file extension
            "language" => "php",
            //Optional - Command to run for each worker, this is an explicit command
            // which overrides script and language options
            "command" => "php myWorker.php --work-hard-please"     
        //EventBus is the class that is responsible for receiving update events from the application
        //and forwarding them to the workermanager.
        //By default the EventBus is a PeriodicJobEventBus which will attempt to update the jobs every n seconds
        //By specifying another EventBus you can send status updates using many different methods.
        //e.g. HTTPJobEventBus - Start a HTTP server and connect to it from the application to send updates
        "eventbus" => [
            //Optional - Classname of the required EventBus
            "class" => \PHQ\EventBus\PeriodicEventBus::class,
            "options" => [
                //Implementation specific EventBus options go here
                //e.g. "interval" => 10 //for periodic event bus update interval

EventBus List


Requests a job list update periodically.

Available options:

    //Update time in seconds
    "interval" => 5


Datasets are any class that extends PHQ\Data\Dataset and are used purely as data containers. The allowed keys are defined by adding public properties to your class and should be accessed using setters and getters.

Setters and getters are automatically handled by the dataset, just call (set|get)ucfirst($propertyName) eg. setName($val), getName().

You can override the setters and getters but declaring the methods in the child class.

class CustomDataset extends \PHQ\Data\Dataset{
    public $propertyA;
    public $propertyB;

You can pass the data to fill the dataset with as the constructor parameter as an array of $property => $value. Attempting to pass data this with property names that do not exist on the dataset will throw an exception.

$data = new CustomDataset([
    "propertyA" => "AAA"


// "AAA"
echo $data->getPropertyA();

*   You can also call toArray() on a dataset to return all properties as a pure array.


Refactor \PHQ. It has far too much responsibility and should instead push everything queue related onto delegates.