
standardized framework to simulate governance proposals with forge

Primary LanguageSolidityApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Proposal Simulation Framework

The Proposal Simulation Framework is a powerful tool for developers to test and validate governance proposals for their smart contracts. By simulating the various stages of a proposal, it becomes easier to identify issues and ensure the proposal behaves as intended.


The framework is built around the IProposal interface and a set of contracts that implement this interface. These contracts include TestProposals, MultisigProposal, and TimelockProposal.

IProposal Interface

The IProposal interface defines the required methods that each proposal should implement. These methods include:

  • name(): Returns the name of the proposal, e.g., "VIP16".
  • setDebug(bool): Enables or disables debug logs.
  • deploy(Addresses): Deploys contracts and adds them to the list of addresses.
  • afterDeploy(Addresses, address): Initializes and links contracts together after deployment.
  • build(): Builds the proposal object that will be executed in either the timelock or multisig.
  • run(Addresses, address): Executes the proposal object created in the build stage (e.g., queue and execute actions in the Timelock, or perform a series of Multisig calls).
  • teardown(Addresses, address): Tears down the proposal (e.g., reverts changes made during the afterDeploy() step).
  • validate(Addresses, address): Performs validation checks after the proposal has been executed.

TestProposals Contract

The TestProposals contract is used to test a series of proposals in a controlled environment. It provides methods to add proposals to be tested, set up the environment, and run the proposals through their various stages. Proposals must be added by calling function addProposal(proposal) as this contract is created without any proposals.

MultisigProposal Contract

The MultisigProposal contract is an abstract contract that inherits from Proposal. It provides methods to add and simulate Multisig actions.

TimelockProposal Contract

The TimelockProposal contract is an abstract contract that inherits from Proposal. It provides methods to add and simulate Timelock actions. If a proposal is timelock based, it must have at least 1 action, otherwise the test will revert.

PostProposalCheck Contract

This contract is used to perform validation checks after the proposal has been executed. It should inherit the PostProposalCheck abstract contract and implement the _addProposals function, adding the created proposal by calling the Proposal contract.

Proposal Stages

Each proposal goes through the following stages:

  1. Deploy: In this stage, contracts are deployed and added to the list of addresses.
  2. After-deploy: Here, contracts are initialized and linked together after deployment.
  3. Build: The proposal object is built, generating an object with calldata that the run stage will execute.
  4. Run: The proposal is executed, involving actions like queuing and executing actions in the Timelock or performing a series of Multisig calls.
  5. Teardown: In this stage, the proposal is torn down, and any changes made during the afterDeploy() step are reverted.
  6. Validate: Finally, validation checks are performed after the proposal has been executed to ensure the proposal's success and that the expected outcome was achieved.

Environment Variables

The Proposal Simulation Framework utilizes the following environment variables to control the behavior of the testing process:

DEBUG: This environment variable is a boolean flag that enables or disables debug logs. Set it to true to enable debug logs, or false to disable them. The default value is true.

DO_DEPLOY: This boolean flag controls whether to execute the deploy() stage of the proposals. Set it to true to run the deploy stage, or false to skip it. The default value is true.

DO_AFTER_DEPLOY: This boolean flag controls whether to execute the afterDeploy() stage of the proposals. Set it to true to run the after-deploy stage, or false to skip it. The default value is true.

DO_BUILD: This boolean flag controls whether to execute the build() stage of the proposals. Set it to true to run the build stage, or false to skip it. The default value is true.

DO_RUN: This boolean flag controls whether to execute the run() stage of the proposals. Set it to true to run the run stage, or false to skip it. The default value is true.

DO_TEARDOWN: This boolean flag controls whether to execute the teardown() stage of the proposals. Set it to true to run the teardown stage, or false to skip it. The default value is true.

DO_VALIDATE: This boolean flag controls whether to execute the validate() stage of the proposals. Set it to true to run the validate stage, or false to skip it. The default value is true.

You can set these environment variables before running the program to customize its behavior according to your needs.

Getting Started

  1. Install the framework in your foundry project by running command
forge install ElliotFriedman/forge-proposal-simulator
  1. Create a proposal. You can find an example of how a proposal structured in the vip15.sol file in the example folder.

  2. Create an address object as specified in the ExampleAddresses.sol file. Add all relevant addresses to your project that will be used during your governance proposals.

  3. Create a PostProposalCheck integration test in your project's integration test folder. Use Vip15PostProposalCheck.sol in the example folder as a reference. When inheriting the PostProposalCheck abstract contract, the _addProposals function must be overridden and implemented, with logic calling the Proposal contract and adding your newly created proposal.

  4. Test your proposal

forge test --fork-url $ETH_RPC_URL --match-contract YourProposalName_PostProposalCheck -vvv


This framework was created by Elliot Friedman and Erwan Beauvois. It is inspired by the Fei governance proposal simulation framework.