Digging Errors in NMT: Evaluating and Understanding Model Errors from Partial Hypothesis Space

This is the official code repository released for EMNLP 2022 main track paper "Digging Errors in NMT: Evaluating and Understanding Model Errors from Partial Hypothesis Space".

Exact Top-k Decoding

Decoding library based on SGNMT: https://github.com/ucam-smt/sgnmt. See their docs for setting up a fairseq model to work with the library.



To compile the datastructure classes, run:

pip install -e .

To compile the statistics classes, navigate to the runstats submodule:

cd runstats
python setup.py install

Getting Started

We recommend starting with the pretrained models available from fairseq. Download any of the models from, e.g., their NMT examples, unzip, and place model checkpoints in data/ckpts. You'll have to preprocess the dictionary files to a format that the library expects. Using the pre-trained convolutional English-French WMT‘14 model an example:

curl https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/fairseq/models/wmt14.v2.en-fr.fconv-py.tar.bz2 | tar xvjf -
cat wmt14.en-fr.fconv-py/dict.en.txt | awk 'BEGIN{print "<epsilon> 0\n<s> 1\n</s> 2\n<unk> 3"}{print $1" "(NR+3)}' > wmap.en
cat wmt14.en-fr.fconv-py/dict.fr.txt | awk 'BEGIN{print "<epsilon> 0\n<s> 1\n</s> 2\n<unk> 3"}{print $1" "(NR+3)}' > wmap.fr

Tokenization (for input) and detokenization (for output) should be performed with the mosesdecoder library. If the model uses BPE, you'll have to preprocess the input file to put words in byte pair format. Given your bpecodes listed in e.g., file bpecodes, the entire pre-processing of input file input_file.txt in English (en) can be done as follows. Again using the convolutional English-French WMT‘14 model with the newstest test set as an example input file:

Remove special formatting from newstest set

grep '<seg id' test-full/newstest2014-fren-src.en.sgm | \
        sed -e 's/<seg id="[0-9]*">\s*//g' | \
        sed -e 's/\s*<\/seg>\s*//g' | \
        sed -e "s/\’/\'/g" > newstest_cleaned.txt

Tokenize and apply BPE

cat newstest_cleaned.txt | perl mosesdecoder/scripts/tokenizer/tokenizer.perl -threads 8 -l en > out
subword-nmt apply-bpe -c wmt14.en-fr.fconv-py/bpecodes -i out -o newstest_bpe.txt

Alternatively, one can play around with the toy model in the test scripts. Outputs are not meaningful but it is deterministic and useful for debugging.

Beam Search

Basic beam search can be performed on a fairseq model translating from English to French as follows:

 python decode.py  --fairseq_path wmt14.en-fr.fconv-py/model.pt --fairseq_lang_pair en-fr --src_wmap wmap.en --trg_wmap wmap.fr --input_file newstest_bpe.txt --preprocessing word --postprocessing bpe@@ --decoder beam --beam 10 

By default, decoders only return the best solution. Set --early_stopping False if you want the entire set.

A basic example of outputs can be seen when using the test suite:

python test.py --decoder beam --beam 10 

Additionally, you can run

python decode.py --help

to see descriptions of all available arguments.

DFS search

To output with file, just add outputs and output_path to configs. In addition, you can use --outputs nbest to output candidates and corresponding scores.

LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 python decode.py  --fairseq_path wmt14.en-fr.fconv-py/model.pt --fairseq_lang_pair en-fr --src_wmap wmap.en --trg_wmap wmap.fr --input_file newstest_bpe.txt --preprocessing word --postprocessing bpe@@ --decoder simpledfs --outputs text --output_path $output_path

For our accelerated dfs topk search, try

python decode.py  --fairseq_path checkpoints/wmt14.en-fr.fconv-py/model.pt --fairseq_lang_pair en-fr --src_wmap wmap.en --trg_wmap wmap.fr --input_file  newstest_bpe.txt --preprocessing word --postprocessing bpe@@ --decoder batchdfstopk --beam $beam --output_path $dfs_output_file --outputs nbest_lower_bounds --nbest $beam --early_stopping False --remove_eos False --score_lower_bounds_file $lower_bound_file --dfstopk_batchsize 50 --simpledfs_topk $beam --max_len_factor -1 --num_log $beam --nbest $beam 

Lower bounds

We support using lower bound file to accelerate decoding for dfs and dfs topk. One additional argument --score_lower_bounds_file is needed. Conventionally, we use the outputs of beam search as our lower bounds. The output type is nbest_lower_bounds.

For dfs with topk, we need to use beam search or min heap augmented beam search as our lower bounds. Decoder argument can be beam or min_heap_beam.

LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 python decode.py  --fairseq_path wmt14.en-fr.fconv-py/model.pt --fairseq_lang_pair en-fr --src_wmap wmap.en --trg_wmap wmap.fr --input_file newstest_bpe.txt --preprocessing word --postprocessing bpe@@ --decoder beam --beam $topk --output_path $beam_output_file --outputs nbest_lower_bounds --nbest $beam --early_stopping False --remove_eos False --max_len_factor 3

A example format of lower bound file can be found in lower_bounds/*.

Fast Decoding

In the original implementation of SGNMT and UID-Decoding, multi-gpu setting is not supported. Here, we provide a multiprocessing script python_scripts/mp_command_master.py for supporting multi-gpu setting. Specifically, we split the input files into pieces with 5 sentences per file and store the decoding commands like CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 bash decode.sh $input_file.1$ into a command file. And then, we use the mp_command_master.py for controling the actual decoding on different GPUs.


We provide a sample script for dfs topk.

python decode.py  --fairseq_path checkpoints/wmt14.en-fr.fconv-py/model.pt --fairseq_lang_pair en-fr --src_wmap checkpoints/wmap.en --trg_wmap checkpoints/wmap.fr --input_file checkpoints/wmt14.en-fr.fconv-py/newstest_bpe.txt.head10 --preprocessing word --postprocessing bpe@@ --decoder simpledfstopk --beam 10 --output_path $result_dir/test.out --outputs nbest_sep --num_log 100 --nbest 100 --simpledfs_topk 10

Evaluation Scripts

The evaluation scripts lie in analysis/scripts. These bash scripts are used for various kind of analysis for topk results. To reproduce the results, p1lease replace $root with your $topk_path/analysis/scripts first. Here, we provide an example of evaluating our model outputs with one simple line of code.

cd analysis/scripts && bash call_compute_model_errors.sh

Then, it can compute the model error metrics for our results ende_dfstopk_wmt14.en-de.transformer_new in analysis/archive directory.

For reproduce our results with COMET as reported in the paper, we refer the readers to analysis/comet_scripts/*.sh