
Leansw-platform-infrastrcture is a platform to provide a set of nexus,CI/CD and other basic services so that people can set up infrastructure quickly and easily.

##The Linux distribution we supported Centos , Ubuntu , Debian , Redhat , Suse

##Environment & tools required To run this project you need install vagrant and ansible

##How to run

vagrant up
vagrant provision
vagrant ssh your_virtual_machine

Then you will get three machines now: master-1, slave-1, slave-2 you can login them with commandvagrant ssh name_of_host,or check status by vagrant status

##Service providing

##Configuration & Customize For now, we boot three virtual machines, you can change the host name and its private IP in the file development, or choose another os box in the Vagrantfile, or modify each service tasks under the directory roles

##Trouble Shooting

  • To run this project successfully, you need in the network twdata
  • Have a key pair ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub, ~/.ssh/id_rsa , in your local host