
This fork is focused on improving the user experience when inference video

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



This fork is focused on improving the user experience when inference video

Use batch_inference.py to interpolate multiple videos at once.

Or check inference_video.py -h for more options.


Current model version: V4.17

Basic Usage

# Install dependencies (notice that this will install torch with CUDA support, better run in venv or conda)
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

# Interpolate a video
python3 inference_video.py /path/to/video.mp4

Special Arguments Explanation

  • --ssim: Program use SSIM to detect scene change, this argument can change the threshold of SSIM, default is 0.4, higher value means more sensitive to scene change, for a video with rapid change, you may want to lower this value (even set to 0) for less mistaking scene change detection.
  • --scene_copy: By default, if the scene change is detected, the model will stack the previous frame with the current frame to make the transition smoother (both 50% opacity). This argument will change this behavior to simply copy the previous frame as transition frame.
  • --start_frame: Start frame for inference, program will automatically detect unfinished work (stopped by hit P key in preview window) and continue from there, so you dont need to specify this argument in normal cases.
  • --start_time and --stop_time: Does same thing as --start_frame, but with time in seconds. also useless in normal cases.
  • --skip_frame: Skip frame for inference, useful in case you want to re-interpolate a video with a new model version, but you have already deleted the original low-fps file, set skip_frame to 1 (or 2 for 3x interpolation, etc) to just read the raw frames from a interpolated video.
  • --resize: Resize the input video to a specific scale, default is 1.0, set to 0.5 for half size.
  • --headless: Run the program without preview window, useful for running on server or headless machine.
