=PYSTARATLAS= _README.txt file_ PYSTARATLAS is a collection of libraries and command line programs aim to draw different start maps and sky images in styles. ==Dependences== It is written in python with the following dependences: * pyproj4. A powerful python library implementing the projections algorithms of the Proj4 project. * pylab to manage arrays. * pyfits for reading FITs astronomical format. * ephemerides for solar system ephemerides calculation. * reportlab to draw pdf files. * Image (PIL image library) to manipulate images. * Several common used libraries (math,system,datetime ...). ==Data Sources== Also it use a lot of sources of astronomical data, mainly: Catalogues form CDS(Centre de Strasbourg): * Hipparcos. * NGC2000. * BSC (Bright Stars Catalogue). * Cross catalogue for Stars names. Several files from Stellarium project: * Constellations bounds. * Constellation figures. Up to date online data: * TLE elements from Minor Planet Institute. Comments, Asteroids and spacecraft. * DSS2 Imagen form www.sky-map.com =Main Components= ==Libraries== * catalogues.py -> Reads datafiles. * internetcatalogues.py -> Recover TLE data from internet. * sesame.py -> Find objects coords and download DSS2 image from sky-maps.org. Need sesame package in order to work ==Command line executables== * proy.py ->Draw map showing a whole sky projection. * imagebook.py -> Draw astronomical objects from a list