Gone With The Wind

Gone With The Wind is a Scala console application that aims to keep track of general library operations. This project follows the instructions and requirements from here.


  • Clone the project
  • Import via IntelliJ IDEA
  • Run Scala Console

Demonstration on Borrow/Return:

Import Book and Library, then use .borrowBook with Book item and borrower in string:

To check book availability, use .isBookAvailable
To check borrowed book info., use .outBook
To return book, use .returnBook with Book item


Availability and "Out Book" Status

Books' availability are mapped into an .isBookAvailable hashmap with format:

Map[book: Book -> Availability: Boolean = true]

All the borrowed books are mapped into an .outBook map with format:

Map[book: Book -> List[outBookStatus(borrower, borrowDate, dueDate)]]

Map for Data Structure

The methods for books searching were originally performed using .filter to a List:

  def findBookByTitle(title: String): List[Book] = {

They were later updated to a more scalable approach using Map for faster search runtime and to process larger data input in future (potentially).

  val titleMap:immutable.Map[String, List[Book]] = Books.all.groupBy(book => book.title)

  def findBookByTitle(title: String):List[Book] = {
      p => p._1.containsSlice(title)

Improvement and Contribution

Borrow History

Currently, books' borrow histories are not stored because the returning book will remove the record entirely from the .outBook map. This can be implemented by adding a return status to the .outBook map:

Map[book: Book -> List[outBookStatus(borrower, borrowDate, dueDate, returnStatus)]]  

When user returns a book, update returnStatus instead of removing it completely. After updating .addOutBook and .findLateOutBook's verification, the .outBook map will be able to store borrow history for all the books.

Fine Calculation

Fine for overdue book is not calculated since the rate is not specified. After the rate is confirmed, this can be implemented by using .getDays to get number of days between dueDate and LocalDate.now times the fine rate.