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Elly's dotfiles

I've known about dotfiles for a long time but never taken the time to actually pull them all together in a git repo, until now! (2023/01/22)

To help give me the push I needed to do it, I followed the course at dotfiles.eieio.xyz, I'd recommend it if you're also stuggling to take the plunge.


  1. xcode-select --install (Command Line Tools are required for Git and Homebrew)
  2. git clone https://github.com/ellyloel/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles. We'll start with https but switch to ssh after everything is installed.
  3. cd ~/.dotfiles
  4. Do a software audit by editing Brewfile directly.
  5. ./install
  6. Restart computer.
  7. Generate ssh key, add to GitHub, and switch remotes.

Manual Steps

to be continued...