Service to query for certain criteria and notifies me back by Facebook messenger on the list of aprtements that matches my creiteria.
The list of criteria now includes, price, geo location, and has Images.
The main action is here:
And then the matched result is sent to me via facebook messagener using Send API.
Add job using
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"clientId": "client-id-1", "name": "my first job", "senders": "966593642012,00201095771359", "jobDetail": {"vertexes": "24.675722;46.556282,24.669794;46.542549,24.617369;46.568298,24.60426;46.588898,24.621115;46.656532,24.63984;46.647949,24.645145;46.625633,24.677906;46.640396,24.710034;46.618767,24.735606;46.590614", "maxPrice": "25000", "hasImages": "true", "hasElevator": "true", "numRooms": "2,3", "floorNumber": "1,2"}}' http://localhost:8080/api/job