
spring rails-like router loader (mainly a PoC)

Primary LanguageJava

Spring Router

Allow write HTTP mapping in external text file (rails/play like approach).

The file looks like (any file name and extension, by default it is router.txt at the root of classpath):

# The example from https://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html#controller-namespaces-and-routing
# see https://github.com/mhewedy/spring-router

GET             /admin/articles	                    ArticleController#index
POST            /admin/articles	                    ArticleController#create(Article)
GET             /admin/articles/{id}	            ArticleController#show(Long)
PUT             /admin/articles/{id}	            ArticleController#update(Long, Article)
DELETE          /admin/articles/{id}	            ArticleController#destroy(Long)

You need to configure @EnableRouter annotation

@EnableRouter(controllerPackage = "com.example.demo.controllers")
public class MyConfig {


See https://github.com/mhewedy/spring-router-example