Uniswap Universal Router SDK - Decode and Encode Transactions - Uniswap V2, V3 & V4
- 3
v4 swaps examples don't show the addition of permit2 signature in transaction sequence.
#89 opened by snarflakes - 1
Integration tests: Ganache phasing out
#73 opened by Elnaril - 1
Uniswap v4 Universal Router encoding for L2s
#88 opened by snarflakes - 1
V2_SWAP_EXACT_IN for Pharaoh Dex
#87 opened by tactical-retreat - 0
Consider Ruff usage
#86 opened by Elnaril - 2
Input Struct
#77 opened by kthenurseone - 1
Add support for web3.py v7
#74 opened by Elnaril - 3
Sell fail in BSC chain
#71 opened by rakibhossain72 - 1
Replace deprecated eth_account function
#49 opened by Elnaril - 1
Fetch Permit2 allowance, expiration and nonce
#50 opened by Elnaril - 2
Can swap V3 only on Base. V2 Fails
#59 opened by ma7555 - 1
Add support for other EVMs
#57 opened by Lytes - 0
Quick Uniswap version detection
#55 opened by AlexFigalex - 0
how to get the result of a Transaction
#53 opened by newcworld - 7
permit2_sign not work on bsc
#47 opened by freereaper - 3
Broken Amounts on a tx with multiple swaps
#44 opened by tnet-ag - 8
Not working
#38 opened by Nick2Nik - 0
Is it possible to have the F flag set to 1 so transaction continues on partial reverts ?
#39 opened by bscNinja - 1
- 2
Decoding uniswap v3 Router with 2 swaps
#31 opened by Chief-Alchemist - 2
- 1
Decoding issues
#28 opened by Elnaril - 9
Hope you can give a sell token model
#19 opened by 845793508 - 3
How to do a swap ?
#8 opened by OCharless - 8
- 11
I don't know what is wrong
#22 opened by kthenurseone - 9
Could you provide code for bsc chain?
#21 opened by JeffXu1 - 1
js version
#20 opened by sellerbtc - 3
- 10
How to encode the `UNWRAP_WETH`
#7 opened by Jonkrua - 8
decode errors with same pattern
#10 opened by tcong-aa - 4
v3 path decoding fails for some paths
#1 opened by thangstad - 6