
mirror of https://git.elphel.com/Elphel/cp210x_gpio

Primary LanguagePython

CP210x GPIO control

A patch to the CP210x USB to UART Bridges driver that adds GPIO pins control by implementing ioctl function and a python script to program devices.

Tested OS

  • Kubuntu Linux 13.04 (kernel 3.8)
  • Kubuntu Linux 16.04 (kernel 4.15)

Tested devices

  • CP2103
  • CP2104


  1. Build:

  2. Reload driver (from the built directory):

     sudo rmmod cp210x
     sudo insmod cp210x.ko

Program GPIO_MAS

  1. Examples:
    • Set all 1's:

        sudo ./cp210x_gpio.py -d /dev/ttyUSB0 -m 0xff 0xff
    • Set GPIO[3]=1, others - 0:

        sudo ./cp210x_gpio.py -d /dev/ttyUSB1 -m 0xff 0x08

Changes in the driver

  • Changes in the driver cp210x.c are based on the patch found here
  • GPIO_VALUE=arg[23:16], GPIO_MASK=arg[7:0]

Unresolved questions

  • Silabs drivers in 2.6.x and 3.x.x for GPIOs differ:
    • 2.6.x: GPIO_VALUE=arg[23:16], GPIO_MASK=arg[7:0] - this matches the patch
    • 3.x.x: GPIO_VALUE=arg[15: 8], GPIO_MASK=arg[7:0]
