
Code Can XYZ !!!! Fork and fill in the blank, then boot.this.cd/codecan

Show us the power of your words in code!

  1. Fork thiis repository.
  2. Change CNAME from ii.can.cd to yourname.can.cd
  3. Empty out index.html and show the world the power of your words in code!
  4. Commit and let it bake for 10 minutes then visit yourname.can.cd

Who What Why?

  • thiis.is about all of us
  • thiis.is what we were made for
  • thiis.is why we are here


  • Stop and look at what you have
  • Think about how you can share that
  • Go and delivery it as a meaningful expression of care

Thank you for being part of thiis.

Speak Softly, Love Lavishly

faith, hope, & love - @hippiehacker