
automatic annotator of driver mutations from IMPACT data

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

🚧 work in progress 🚧


Develop a knowledge-based approach using MSK-IMPACT data to build an automatic variant classifier.

Repository structure

  • analysis/: folder to design and run analysis, contains several sub-folders:

    • description/: this part is written in R and contains the description/annotation/formating process of the dataset
    • prediction/: this part is written in Python and contains the classifier building process
  • data/: raw data and main processed data, processed data should be reprducible from raw data

    ⚠️ This folder should not be versionned.

  • doc/: useful documentation, bibliography, slides for talks

  • temp/: drafts, temporary files and old scripts

  • utils/: main scripts used across analysis (predictors, cross-validation scripts, evaluation scripts, tools...)

Work with this repository

You can clone this repository using:

$ git clone https://github.com/ElsaB/impact-annotator.git

Step 1: Setup your R environment

The first part of the repository was written and tested under R 3.5.1 and R 3.2.3, working with JupyterLab.

To work with this repository please make sure to have the following R packages installed:

  • tidyverse
  • gridExtra
  • utf8
  • readxl
  • hexbin
# run in an R console
install.packages('tidyverse', repos = 'http://cran.us.r-project.org')
install.packages('gridExtra', repos = 'http://cran.us.r-project.org')
install.packages('utf8',      repos = 'http://cran.us.r-project.org')
install.packages('readxl',    repos = 'http://cran.us.r-project.org')
install.packages('hexbin',    repos = 'http://cran.us.r-project.org')

Step 2: Setup your Python environment

The second part of the repository was written and tested under Python 3.6, working with JupyterLab. You can see the requirements under conda-env_requirements.yml. The main Python packages used are:

  • numpy
  • matplotlib
  • seaborn
  • pandas
  • scikit-learn
  • imbalanced-learn
  • ipython
  • nb_conda_kernels

To work with this repository please:

Step 2.1: Setup a python virtualenv on the cluster

To create the virtualenv used by the jobs, please run the following commands on your selene cluster session:

# create the virtualenv
$ mkvirtualenv --python=python3.6 impact-annotator_env
# install useful libraries
$ pip install numpy matplotlib seaborn pandas scikit-learn imbalanced-learn ipython nb_conda_kernels

Some useful command lines:

# activate the virtualenv
$ workon impact-annotator_env

# deactivate the virtualenv
$ deactivate

# remove the virtualenv
$ rmvirtualenv impact-annotator_env

Please add the following line in your .bashrc or .bash_profile to use virtualenv functions directly from the notebook later:

# add in your .bashrc or .bash_profile
source `which virtualenvwrapper.sh`

Step 2.2: Setup a python conda-env on your local computer

To create the conda-env, please run the following command:

# create the conda-env and load the appropriate libraries
$ conda env create --name impact-annotator_env --file conda-env_requirements.yml

Some useful command lines:

# activate the conda-env
$ source activate impact-annotator_env

# deactivate the conda-env
$ source deactivate

# remove the conda-env
$ conda env remove --name impact-annotator_env

⚠️ Please always activate the impact-annotator_env conda-env before running any Python notebook, to make sure you have all the necessary dependecies and the good libraries version:

# if you use jupyter notebook
$ source activate impact-annotator_env; jupyter notebook

# if you use jupyter lab
$ source activate impact-annotator_env; jupyter lab

In any Python Jupyter notebook, importing the file utils/python/setup_environment.ipy automatically check that you're running the notebook under the impact-annotator_env conda-env, you can check it yourself by running in the notebook:

# prints the current conda-env used

# list all the conda-env on your computer, the one you're working on is indicated by a star
!conda env list

Step 3: Download the data

Go to the data/ folder and follow the README.md to download all the necessary data.

Step 3: Checklist

  • Download R packages tidyverse, gridExtra, utf8, readxl, hexbin
  • Create cluster virtualenv impact-annotator_env
  • Add source `which virtualenvwrapper.sh` in .bashrc or .bash_profile
  • Create local conda-env impact-annotator_env
  • Remember to always activate the conda-env impact-annotator_env before running a Jupyter Notebook/JupyterLab instance ($ source activate impact-annotator_env)

Details on the notebooks

All R notebooks will begin with the following lines, which load a set of custom function designed by us, and setup the R environment by loading the appropriate libraries:


All Python notebooks will begin with the following lines, which load a set of custom function designed by us, and load appropriate libraries, it also makes sure that you're working on the impact-annotator_env that you should have created earlier:

%run ../../../utils/Python/setup_environment.ipy

# if you want to send jobs on the cluster from the notebook on your local computer, please also run:
%run ../../../utils/Python/Selene_Job.ipy