
AI&DS, led by Hatem Elattar, Ph.D. is a vibrant Arab community in AI and DS. It transcends fields, fostering learning, collaboration, and diverse opportunities for professionals at all levels. Join now!

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What is AI&DS Communitiy?

The AI&DS community, an acronym for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, stands as a dynamic hub tailored for Arab enthusiasts and professionals eager to delve into the realms of AI and DS. Hatem Elattar, Ph.D, the visionary behind this initiative, identified a void in the Arab community's AI discourse and, fueled by a commitment to his educational platforms on YouTube and Udemy, took the initiative to bridge this gap.

This community transcends disciplinary boundaries, welcoming individuals from diverse fields such as medicine, finance, agriculture, language, and beyond. It serves as a collective space for learning, inquiry, and collaborative projects.

Joining the AI&DS community opens doors to a plethora of advantages. Accessing qualified experts ensures swift and precise responses to queries, while interaction with like-minded peers accelerates the learning process. Exposure to varied perspectives from different fields enriches understanding, and the platform provides opportunities to engage in both paid and free projects or collaborate with esteemed researchers.

Whether you're a seasoned AI practitioner or taking your first steps into the realm of AI&DS, this community offers something for everyone. Elevate your skills, broaden your network, and embark on a journey of continuous learning by becoming part of the AI&DS community today!"

What can I do in AI&DS Communitiy?

Once you join the AI&DS community, you can engage in several activities to enhance your skills and network. Here are some ideas:

  1. Access Quality Education: Explore the comprehensive learning resources provided by the community, including interactive tutorials, lectures, and practical projects. These resources cover various AI and DS topics, catering to diverse interests and skill levels.

  2. Ask Expert Questions: Connect with experts in the field, ask questions, and seek clarification on complex concepts. Leverage their collective knowledge and experience to deepen your understanding.

  3. Engage in Discussions: Join forums and discussions on current trends, industry insights, and project collaboration. Stay updated on the latest advancements and developments in the AI and DS domain.

  4. Collaborate on Projects: Utilize the community's platform to collaborate with peers on project ideas or find opportunities to contribute to existing projects. This experience enhances your teamwork skills and showcases your problem-solving abilities.

  5. Stay Informed about Opportunities: Regularly check for updates on internships, job openings, and other professional opportunities in the AI and DS field. Stay ahead in your career and network with professionals in the industry.

  6. Contribute Your Knowledge: Share your knowledge and expertise by contributing to the community's learning resources or by offering mentorship to newcomers. This gesture fosters a sense of camaraderie and collective growth within the community.

Remember, your involvement in the AI&DS community ultimately depends on your dedication and commitment to self-improvement and continuous learning. Seize every opportunity and leverage the resources provided to become the AI and DS expert you aspire to be.

To join our community and unlock all these opportunities, join us on discord AI&DS Arab Community

Explanation of server Categoeries & Channles:

The AI&DS Arab Community Discord server is organized into distinct categories, each offering specialized information and knowledge. It's crucial to stay within relevant channels to enhance information sharing, fostering a better community experience. Additionally, we encourage members to search for answers before posting new questions.

Server Categories

  • Community Corner: Centralizes discussions on rules, guidelines, announcements, seeking privileges, suggesting new features, and their importance. Channels include Welcome and Rules, Ask Moderator, Announcement, FAQ, and Server Suggestions.
  • Mentorship Hub: Primarily for seeking guidance from mentors like Hatem Elattar, Ph.D. Focuses on general inquiries, career advice, and non-technical discussions, excluding technical questions and bug-solving. Check the FAQ section first to know how to ask.
  • Dr. Hattem's Courses Corner: Dedicated channels for technical discussions by course. Refrain from mentioning the mentor unless necessary. Check the FAQ section first to know how to ask and respond with confidence and verified information.
  • Coffee Corner: A space for casual hangout topics, meme sharing (also available on Memes channel), and sharing daily progress—both plans and achievements. Open discussions on anything within this category.
  • Collaborate Corner: Centralizes job postings from server members, shares external job opportunities, and facilitates idea-sharing. It's the go-to space for seeking collaborators for specific tasks.
  • Reading Corner: Hosts book and paper reading study groups for discussions, meetings, and note-sharing among members. Dive into collective learning experiences and enrich your understanding.
  • Meeting Corner: Dedicated to voice meetings conducted on the server. Join discussions, collaborate, and engage in interactive sessions within this space.
  • Knowledge Corner: Devoted to sharing valuable materials, blogs, and curating exemplary questions and answers. Divided into two channels: Knowledge Base for selected outstanding questions and personal experiences, and Nice Sharing for helpful materials.
  • Computer Science Corner: Engages in discussions about skill sets crucial for the Data and AI field, particularly from the realms of computer science and software engineering. Explore and share insights.

Guiding Principles for Community Effectiveness


  1. Embrace Respect and Professionalism:
    • Cultivate an environment where members feel welcomed, supported, and empowered to share their ideas with professionalism and respect.
  2. Zero Tolerance for Rudeness:
    • Refrain from engaging with rude individuals; report instances of bullying by mentioning @Moderator.
  3. Ban on Hateful Discussions:
    • Permanent bans will be enforced for participating in contentious discussions, including Religious disputes/Curses, Politics, Sexism, NSFW Content (Curses شتايم or Images).
    • Never do "Character assassination" (E.g., "ده ملحد"). Even for a person isn't in the server.
    • Avoid "Character Assassination"; maintain respectful and objective criticism. For example, critique a course as a potential "scam" only with evidence, avoiding personal attacks on the instructor.

Conversation Etiquette

  1. Efficient Communication Practices:
    • Initiate a thread if a conversation extends beyond two replies, promoting organized discussions.
  2. Responsiveness Matters:
    • Exhibit responsiveness when your questions receive answers, contributing to an engaged and dynamic community.
  3. Avoid Repetition:
    • Refrain from asking the same question more than once, optimizing the use of community resources.
  4. Prioritize Research:
    • Conduct research before posing questions, demonstrating initiative and a proactive approach.
  5. Mindful Mentions and Direct Messaging:
    • Avoid mentioning individuals (@Sebaie Mohammed) or direct messaging without consent, with special consideration for mentors.
  6. Direct Inquiry Approach:
    • Just post your qustion directly.
    • Skip the "ask to ask" phase; inquire directly, fostering direct and efficient communication.


  1. How to use Discord: Omar Shawky Video
    • Explaied notfication system, Threads and Search to maxmize your benfits from server
  2. How to ask questions?
    1. Dr. Mostafa's advice on how to ask (Arabic | Video):
    2. The Data Scientist’s Toolbox (English | Video)
    3. How do I ask a good question? Stack Overflow (English | Read)
    4. How to Ask Good Technical Questions – the Ultimate Guide (English | Read)
    5. XY Problem (English | Read)
    6. Ask a binary question if possible. (I.e., True/false)
    7. If not, Ask enclosed question if possible. (I.e., question that has expected answer; E.g., Which color? "Red", "Green", "Blue")
    8. If not, ask open questions and supply atomic information in an enumerated form. (E.g., "How to study Machine Learning?" 1. I know math. 2. I know Programming Languages.)
    9. Examples of good question:
      1. What is the best approach to tackle problem X in data science? Can anyone suggest a relevant article, book, or online course that could help?
      2. Can someone confirm if my understanding of regularization in machine learning is correct? If not, what are the key points I need to revise?
      3. I am working on a project that involves building a recommendation system for an e-commerce website. Can anyone suggest a specific algorithm or approach that could be suitable for this task?
      4. Here's a code snippet that implements the concept of feature scaling. Can anyone help me identify any issues or improvements that could be made to the code?
      def feature_scaling(X):
          mean = np.mean(X, axis=0)
          std_dev = np.std(X, axis=0)
          X_scaled = (X - mean) / std_dev
          return X_scaled
    10. Note: Atomic information is the simplest form of information possible that can not be further broken down into even simpler data and can never hold more than a single meaning.
  3. Who to ask before you ask?
    • Only reliable person that is in charge, or has been charge, or reached the end of the road you want to take.
    • Never rely on an answer/course even if it is free before performing rule 1 above.
    • Arabic shorts & videos: a. Dr. Mostafa: Video 1, 2
  4. How to study and not forget what you studied? Use Obsidian (using Zettlekasten & Wikipedia styles)
  5. What is your opinion about X/Y/Z Course?
    • Dr. Mostafa Saad: Video
  6. Can't find a study-buddy or anyone to help in a course?
    • Have you tried your best to share this server in all of the communities that you are in?
    • Did you try to ask in the server for anyone that knows someone that studies course X?