
StrutSurf: A tool for analysis of strut morphology and surface roughness in additively manufactured lattices. To cite this Original Software Publication: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352711022000383



A tool for analysis of strut morphology and surface roughness in additively manufactured lattices

StrutSurf is written in MATLAB and requires the MATLAB Runtime environment (to run the executable installer) or MATLAB and the iso2mesh toolbox (to run the source code)

Executable Installer

Prerequisites for Deployment

Verify that version 9.9 (R2020b) of the MATLAB Runtime is installed.
If not, you can download and install the Windows version of the MATLAB Runtime for R2020b from the following link on the MathWorks website:


For more information about the MATLAB Runtime and the MATLAB Runtime installer, see "Distribute Applications" in the MATLAB Compiler documentation in the MathWorks Documentation Center.

Running from source code

Prerequisites for Deployment

MATLAB (R2020b or later) should be installed according to your system requirements.

Install the iso2mesh toolbox (http://iso2mesh.sf.net) according to the instructions (http://iso2mesh.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi?Doc/Installation)

  • Download the iso2mesh toolbox and extract it to a folder
  • Add this folder to your MATLAB path using the pathtool command

You can then run StrutSurf from the main file StrutSurf.m