
Fork based on a Pluralsight Course : Object-Oriented Programming Fundamentals in C#

Primary LanguageC#

Stark Customer Management system

Business Requirements

  • Manage business, residential, government and educator types of customers
  • Manage our products
  • Accept orders from customer online or through our call center

Implementation details


  • Identifying classes
  • Separating responsabilities
  • Establishing relationships
  • Leveraging reuse


  1. Customer Repository uses a Customer (Collaboration)
  2. Order has a Customer/Order Item/Address (Composition)
    • Aggregation: Order => Customer
    • Composition: Order => Order Item
  3. Customer is a Business/Residential/Educator (Inheritance)

Generators Using Bogus, all essential entities now have a way to generate stub information. There are 2 approaches:

  • Use the Data Builder to Build stubs for all entities.
  • Use the Partial Data Builder to build stubs for a specific entity and its dependencies.

LINQ Playground Small proyect that uses Data generator and writes a CSV file. The objective is to practice different LINQ statement; you can choose if you want to use the CSV content or generate new information.

Object-Oriented Programming Fundamentals in C#

More information in this Pluralsight course https://app.pluralsight.com/library/courses/object-oriented-programming-fundamentals-csharp/table-of-contents