
Github staff

1 ) Fork the repository
2 ) git remote add
3 ) git fetch
4 ) git checkout -b localmaster /main
After this stage you should have all the scripts that are available on the gihub.
When you change things, please firt commit as below:
5 ) git commit -am "Write describing comments"
6 ) git push localmaster

Then in your we browser do a pull request firt to your main branch accept it merge it.
Check your changes, if everything is OK,then make a pull request to Ece's repository.


Where is the data and How do I produce it ?

We have two data types: raw (.dat) and ROOT (.root) version
Depending on the data taking location our raw and root files are stored in different folders.
At the moment we are taking data in Gif++, we are using the machine in the preparation area.
You can access the machine (acqcmsmu01) via ssh: ssh acqcms@

Raw files are stored in this direcotry: /data/gifOctober/raw/
Since there is no root installed at the moment in this machine we use the computer in beam dump area. You can access this computer via : ssh acqcmsmu@PCLINUX-LYOCMS03

If you don't have the root file for necessary run in LYOCMS03 machine in directory /data/gifOctober/roottrees/, please produce it. After you decide which one to run.
1 ) login to LYOCMS03 machine. 2 ) If you want to work on Scan ID 508 for example, you need to copy raw files from LYOCMS01 to 03:
scp acqcms@ /data/gifOctober/raw/
3 ) Converting raw file to ROOT file

cd /home/acqcmsmu/FEB_DAQ/Analysis/AnalyseFEBV2  

Edit the for example change the Scan ID (variable y) , or change the MAx Trigger Value (Variable z).


How do I produce DQM plots ?

Let's say you want to check dqm plots HV point 1 , Scan ID 508 and with 1000 Max Trigger:

cd /home/acqcmsmu/FEB_DAQ/Analysis/AnalysisiRPC/
root -l 'dqm_beamdump.C(1,508,"/data/gifOctober/roottrees/")'

How do I run analysis code ?

Let's say you want to analyse HV point 5 , Scan ID 508 and with 5000 Max Trigger:

cd /home/acqcmsmu/FEB_DAQ/Analysis/AnalysisiRPC/
root -l 'run_ana_FEBv2.C(5,508,"/data/gifOctober/roottrees/")'

Before to run a Sacan ID check if this scan is included in the CalibAlig.h file, as well as, the time calibration.

How do I obtain efficiency curves ?

Everytime, you run the 'run_ana_FEBv2.C' you will obtain a txt file in outputs directory. Once ou have all txt files (for all HVs) You need to provide as a first argument the Scan ID, second the numbers of HVs, and third the list of all HVs values separated by comma, do not forget that this numbers are float, then put a dot after the interger.

For example, for ScanId 508:

root -l -b -q 'eff_curve.C(508,7,6.,6.5,6.9,7.,7.1,7.2,7.5)'