🐍 Vanilla HTML/CSS/JS Snake Game 🐍

Netlify Status

Deployed Link

Check out the Netlify deployment here


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Laravel
  • PHP

Wins & Challenges


  • Successful deployment to Netlify
  • Game board is responsive to all screens and dimensions
  • Figured out how to make the game logic work
  • Debugging most of the bugs that I found
  • Styling the board with cool effects
  • Adding additional features
  • Randomised MGS Snake death audio plays when you die (between 1 to 5)


  • Many bugs being introduced when I added additional features - such as holding space to pause and holding shift to speed up
  • Making the game controls work on mobile screens
  • Fixing the bug where if you go up and the opposite direction you instantly die (still couldn't figure it out)

Future Features

  • Countdown timer to get to the next food on Hard difficulty
  • Making the game controls work on mobile screens
  • Multiplayer mode with websockets